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2004-06-30 RussCon Report![]() |
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18 of us played 21 games! A few unexpected old faces, hurray: ChrisH, Dan, Steve! (Sorry I didn't get to play a game with Chris and Dan.)
I'm leaving for a 5-week vacation, and I'll try to update my blog with news from the trip for those interested in seeing where I am and what's going on. (Hint: Esperanto and go are both involved.) Fear not, Wednesday night gaming will continue at my house, hosted by Clayton, who is moving in. Same bat time, same bat place. Although no one will be running stats while I'm gone, feel free to record game results in The Book for posterity and I'll enter them when I get back - still fun for the yearly summaries and seeing what games are most popular and all that jazz. If anyone wants to write session reports, go for it, and I'll update this site with them after I return. Meanwhile, enjoy SansRussCon or ClaytonCon or whatever!
Great Hall Games has moved to 5501 North Lamar (a block south of Koenig)! Their new gaming area is much bigger than the old one.
Crokinole | 2 | Marty 1 MikeC -1 |
VeryCleverPipeGame | 2 | RussW 1 MarkY -1 |
Tutanchamun | 4 | JP 3 Clayton 1 Whendy -1 Marty -3 |
Crokinole | 4 | ChrisH 3 James 1 Tim -1 Fina -3 |
RicochetRobot | 5 | MarkY 4 RussW 2 Marty 0 Steve -2 MikeC -4 |
SanJuan | 4 | MarkY 3 RussW 1 Steve -1 MikeC -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( JimG MarkH ) 1 ( Ben Dan ) -1 |
RicochetRobot | 3 | Ben 1 JP 1 Dan -2 |
TicketToRide | 4 | Clayton 3 JimG 1 MarkH -1 Fina -3 |
Crokinole | 2 | Ben 1 Steve -1 |
EinfachGenial | 3 | William 2 RussW 0 MarkY -2 |
Exxtra | 4 | Clayton 3 Ben 1 Steve -1 JimG -3 |
Torres | 4 | Marty 3 ChrisH 1 Whendy -1 Tim -3 |
Crokinole | 2 | Tim 1 Whendy -1 |
Amun-Re | 3 | Matt 2 JP 0 MikeC -2 |
EinfachGenial | 3 | William 2 MarkY 0 RussW -2 |
Crokinole | 2 | JimG 1 Tim -1 |
EinfachGenial | 3 | Marty 2 Steve 0 Whendy -2 |
SanJuan | 3 | RussW 2 MarkY 0 Clayton -2 |
TakeItEasy | 4 | Matt 3 William 1 JP -1 MikeC -3 |
CarcassonneCastle | 2 | Steve 1 RussW -1 |
Got my revenge in Very Clever Pipe Game, then MarkY came from behind in Ricochet Robot...
Fun to play Einfach Genial again, even though I sucked at it.
The San Juan games are often quite close. In the last one, MarkY had 29 points and I had 25, for last place, until we realized I had 5 cards in my chapel, moving me to first, heh.
The Beatles, Magical Mystery Tour
Sarah Brightman, Time to Say Goodbye
The Geraldine Fibbers, Lost Somewhere Between the Earth and My Home
Marillion, Holidays in Eden
Mercury Rev, See You on the Other Side
Gym Class movie - keep watching if you think it starts off slow
Ludemetic Game Generator reminds me of the The Big Idea from Cheapass: "It's like a World War II Trivia game... that has Action/Dexterity Farming!"
Make your own Pirate Radio Station with an iPod
Brad Sucks got an Electric Kazoo and fiddles around with it. I recommend checking out the real songs at that site as well. - music criticism as a creative tool
The 6-U Initiative "The Hour of Liberation from clumsy URL specs is at hand!"
Ribbon Campaigns "The most comprehensive ribbon list on the 'Net"
'boards has some cute video shorts: Online Jam has fun music from all over the world, Get Yourself High is a kung-fu Chemical Brothers video, Fantastic by Mellow has cool art/animation, and Pourquoi - Passque is a little slow but amusingly odd, as is The Pleasant Barber.
The Reality of Running Away from Stuff (in movies)
Gender in English nouns by Washington Post readers
FreedGo provides various crazy go variants
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