October 1 2003 RussCon Report

Game Results
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Meta Game Results
Evening's Soundtrack
16 of us played 12 games.
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A reminder that I'm getting rid of vinyl records; let me know if you want any of these records. There's also lots of old SF magazines up for grabs. The two butt monsters are also up for grabs; if no one wants them, they're going to a new home.

Lost In Translation is achingly melancholy and beautiful.

Game Results

Manhattan4MarkH 3 Whendy 1 RussW -1 Marty -3
Carcassonne3RussW 2 Whendy 0 MarkH -2
Exxtra4JP 3 MarkY 1 Ben -1 MarkG -3
Blokus3JimG 2 Fina 0 Clayton -2
Guillotine3Fina 2 Clayton 0 JimG -2
Vampire4Katy 3 RussW 1 MarkH -1 Robby -3
BalloonCup2William 1 JP -1
Can'tStop3William 2 RussD -1 JP -1
Acquire3RussW 2 Katy 0 Robby -2
Tichu2( MarkY MarkG ) 1 ( Ben Deborah ) -1
PuertoRico3JimG 2 Fina 0 Clayton -2
Bluff5Clayton 4 MarkY 2 MarkG 0 JP -2 RussW -4

Overheard during Manhattan:
RussW: I think when you're 10 points behind the leader, you're not likely to win.
Whendy: Yes you are! ... Oh, not in this game.
(And indeed I did not win; I felt lucky to get third place!)

On the first challenge of the Bluff game, I lost 4 of my dice. Ouch.


Rank Ratings:        
 1.7918 William
 1.7918 MarkY
 1.3863 Katy
 1.0986 JimG
 1.0986 Fina
 0.5878 RussW
 0.4055 Whendy
-0.1178 MarkH
-0.4055 JP
-0.4055 RussD
-0.5878 Clayton
-0.6931 MarkG
-0.6931 Deborah
-1.0986 Ben
-1.3863 Marty
-2.4849 Robby
Win Ratings:
 1.7918 William won 2 of 2
 1.7918 JimG won 2 of 3
 1.3987 RussW won 2 of 5
 0.9808 Katy won 1 of 2
 0.6931 MarkH won 1 of 3
 0.3930 Clayton won 1 of 4
 0.2877 Fina won 1 of 3
 0.1823 MarkY won 1 of 3
 0.1823 MarkG won 1 of 3
 0.0645 JP won 1 of 4
-0.2877 Marty won 0 of 1
-0.4055 RussD won 0 of 1
-0.6931 Whendy won 0 of 2
-0.6931 Deborah won 0 of 1
-0.6931 Robby won 0 of 2
-0.9808 Ben won 0 of 2

William is the Devil! JimG, Katy, and MarkY are Co-Vice-Devils. Fina and I are Co-Vice-Vice-Devils.

If you are confused how the ratings work, you could peruse the FAQ.

devil graph

Meta Game

MarkG was the Meta Devil. Here is the Meta Game he mailed out:

Well we all know that the humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the official state fish of Hawaii. (OK, maybe not ALL of us knew that.) It's seems that states have just about official everythings: mottos, nicknames, birds, trees, flowers, insects, etc. so why shouldn't RussCon?!

Everyone is encouraged to submit an official RussCon game, motto, bird, tree and flower. Those who attend this week get to vote on their favorite entries in each category, and each category entry which gets 5 or more votes gets a metapoint. The winners in each category get 2 metapoints. Ties are broken in favor of the most overall votes.

Send your entries to either Russ or myself early enough so I can write out a list and people can vote when they arrive.

6 people provided nominations (Dudley, MarkY, MarkG, Whendy, RussW, Clay)... Here are the nominees, votes received, and nominators of the winners in each category:

Game: Motto: Bird: Tree: Flower: Also by popular acclaim:

So MarkG reckoned that Dudley and MarkY both earned 5 points; MarkG and Whendy each earned 2. By tiebreaker, Dudley is the Meta Devil and will design next week's Meta Game!

Evening's Soundtrack

Concrete Blonde, Bloodletting
Marillion, Misplaced Childhood
My Dying Bride, As The Flower Withers
Supertramp, Supertramp
10000 Maniacs, Our Time In Eden

Flowers (on the cover art). This wasn't the first flower soundtrack.

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