15 of us played 12 games, including new person Drew (friend of Matt). (There was once another Drew (friend of Brady's) at a couple RussCons.) |
Daniel was the first to correctly identify this board art from last week's contest: it is from the classic old SPI futuristic wargame After The Holocaust. Congratulations to Daniel, and also to Alfred who also correctly identified it not long after Daniel. I am not surprised both of them knew it! (Daniel wrote: "I am on a 4 day pass in Qatar. But if you ask a wargame question get a
wargamer to answer.") So each of you guys can have a wargame from my collection next time you're here... sucks that you're both not in Austin... Also, MarkG and Whendy guessed it might be from a pirate game... arrrrh, ye scurvy landlubbers!
Whendy & I had a fun time in San Francisco visiting Sea Biscuit (including seeing the movie Seabiscuit). Several cool art museums and galleries, including a museum of comic art. Muir Woods with its beautiful huge peaceful redwood trees. Etc. Not counting the annual go congress (which is a different kettle of fish), this was my first real "fly to a fun place and hang out and sightsee" type vacation in 5 years, amazingly. Thanks to Sea Biscuit for hosting us! (And thanks Whendy for donating some Ghirardelli chocolate cherries to RussCon!)
A reminder: next Friday September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrrh!
Blokus | 4 | MarkH 3 Clayton 1 RussW -1 Ben -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben MarkH ) 1 ( JimG MarkG ) -1 |
Exxtra | 5 | JimG 4 MarkH 2 RussW 0 Ben -2 Clayton -4 |
PuertoRico | 4 | Whendy 3 Marty 1 RussW -1 Clayton -3 |
Carcassonne | 3 | MarkY 2 Pauline 0 RussD -2 |
TooManyCooks | 4 | MarkH 2 MarkG 2 JimG -1 Ben -3 |
PuertoRico | 3 | Drew 2 Matt 0 JP -2 |
Othello | 2 | Clayton 1 MarkY -1 |
Blokus | 2 | RussD 1 Pauline -1 |
BalloonCup | 2 | RussW 1 William -1 |
BalloonCup | 2 | William 1 RussW -1 |
Ra | 4 | MarkG 3 Matt 1 Drew -1 JP -3 |
I foolishly didn't notice a place to put my 3-square-in-a-row piece at the end, costing myself 3 points and the game of Blokus!
In Puerto Rico, Marty and Whendy tied, and Whendy won the tiebreaker by just 1 point! I scored just 2 points lower than them, which was pretty cool considering the only production building I had was a small indigo plant (plus several corn plantations).
MarkY and Clayton played Othello hoping it had never been played at RussCon, but sadly for them, it has.
Balloon Cup is a nifty 2 player game. William observed that it has a totally silly complication that adds nothing tactic-wise and just causes confusion: after a tile is scored, you flip it over for its next scoring period. One side of the tile signifies that the player with the high score wins it, and the other side signifies that the player with the low score wins it. But you are allowed to play cards on either player's side of the tile. So this is equivalent to just saying the player with the high score always wins it, since in the other mode, you simply reverse which side you would play a given card on. Weird and silly. We couldn't think of any other game that has such an explicit complication that actually adds no depth or additional options to the game. Some games dictate that you should arrange cards or tiles in a certain way that doesn't materially affect the strategy but which makes it more convenient or easier to see stuff. But Balloon Cup's weird tile-flipping rule doesn't simplify; it actually increases confusion.
And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, The Secret of Elena's Tomb
Landmark Music, California
Friends of Dean Martinez, on the shore
28 Days Later, the soundtrack album
Type O Negative, Life Is Killing Me
Music that was published in 2003
Kansas City Star article about mysterious Toynbee 2001 signs
Lords of the Rhymes have mp3s of their remix contest winners up. (Dan sent them a remix but it wasn't one of the 2 winners, alas. I thought it was pretty cool, though, and wished I had the mad skillz to do some music remixes.)
Alfred started an esoteric blog about wargames, books, etc. Now if only he'd starting writing some Esperanto entries...
Mi komencis alian (trian!) taglibron ĉe livejournal kaj greg donis konton al mi. Livejournal interesas laŭ mi, do mi volis provi taglibron tie. Mi ne scias ĉu mi skribos angle aŭ Esperante aŭ ambaŭe... mi jam havas Esperantan taglibron kaj anglan taglibron (ambaŭ potencizitaj per movabletype)... mi folas!
La Esperantoideo disvastiĝas: mi feliĉas ke Anderson komencis lerni Esperanton! (Kaj feliĉan naskiĝtagon, Anderson!)
vivo mortigas min