18 of us played 11 games, including new guy JeffJ (brought by Matt), whom I know from long long ago in the early days of SimTex! Harry's wife Becky and son Thomas John were also here for the first time in a while. |
As you may recall, a majority of people voted not to use yahoogroups and instead to set up our own majordomo mailing list archive. The mailing list has now been set up and activated at place.org; thanks PJ for setting a password protected browsable archive and interface for changing your subscription options. The main practical upshot of this for most people now is that the email address to post emails has changed; instead of russcon ĉe cws.org, it is now russcon ĉe russcon.org! (You do know ĉe is Esperanto for @, right?) russcon.org will be easier to remember and less confusing than cws.org, I hope. I guess we will leave the cws.org active for a short transitional period in case there are any unforeseen issues with this change. Other details: since the archive is password-protected, email addresses in posts should be safely concealed from spambots harvesting them. And the list is configured so that nonmembers may not post to it, so we should be protected from spammers posting. What is your password, you may wonder? At the bottom of the administration screen, enter your email address to get to a screen which has an option to email you a reminder of your password (which was randomly generated when you were subscribed to the list). You may then change your password to something you'll remember better. (Don't pick a lame password like "russcon".)
Aspiring Esperantists might want to attend the Austin Esperanto club's meeting Sunday May 18 at 3pm at Texspresso on Anderson. Also I have found Ek, a nice open source Windows keyboard driver to let one directly enter the non-ASCII Esperanto letters into any Unicode-capable program.
Settlers | 4 | JimG 3 Tim 1 JeffF -2 Fina -2 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Dan Ben ) 1 ( MarkH Marty ) -1 |
FreshFish2 | 5 | RussW 4 BradS 2 Steve 0 Matt -2 JP -4 |
Exxtra | 3 | Fina 2 MarkH 0 Ben -2 |
Can'tStop | 3 | Ben 2 MarkH -1 Harry -1 |
CarcassonneHunters | 4 | RussW 3 Fina 1 William -1 Clayton -3 |
Guillotine | 3 | Fina 2 Clayton 0 RussW -2 |
AgeOfSteam | 4 | JonathanC 3 JeffF 1 JimG -1 JeffJ -3 |
Carcassonne | 3 | Clayton 2 RussW 0 Fina -2 |
Bluff | 4 | JonathanC 3 JeffF 1 RussW -1 Clayton -3 |
Amun-Re | 4 | JP 3 Matt 1 Steve -1 BradS -3 |
There is an ambiguity now in the game title Fresh Fish, as Our Most Assiduous Reader will recall a few years ago there was a popular trilogy of games including Rotten Fish, Fresh Fish, and some other fish-related game... They were played somewhat often at RussCon, but not in recent memory. I guess I'll call this new Fresh Fish "FreshFish2". It is nothing like the early fish games. This Fresh Fish is quite interestingly bizarre. It involves playing tiles on a grid to try to connect 4 different producer tiles to your own 4 consumer tiles (e.g. dock to fish store, game factory to game store, etc.) and the peculiar nature of the game results from the notion that some of the tiles are road tiles, all of which must end up being one contiguous road network, and every non-road tile must touch a road tile. Thus as the game proceeds certain unplayed grid spaces become determined that they must be roads. This has 2 ramifications: the first is that tactics are nonobvious in your first game, which is fine, though it means the first game can be slow and frustrating and confusing. The second is that we often found ourselves logically debating whether a space now had to be a road or not; as soon as a space is determined, you must put a road tile on it. It's an unusual amount of what I'll loosely call abstract mathematical reasoning and proof required to carry out the game mechanics. I suspect with non-newbie players that part would go faster and more reliably. There is some debate whether the game itself is good or not. I am up for trying it some more.
Age of Steam is, I'm told, a new one in the tradition of Dampfross (and thus Lancashire Railways). It looked (upon quick glance) to have 18xx style hex/track tiles, and appeared to last longer than the average RussCon game, and that's all I know.
Amy Atchley, Speeding
Run Lola Run, original motion picture soundtrack
Jane Siberry, The Walking
Supertramp, Brother Where You Bound
Roger Waters, The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
De Profundis: Letters from the Abyss sounds very cool and Lovecraftian, and is out of stock... has anyone played it or does anyone own it? (Hogshead also published the wondrous Baron Munchausen RPG which I own but haven't played, and a print edition of John Tynes's Power Kill and Puppetland.)
Plants in Motion has cool quicktime movies of plants blooming, moving, growing, etc.
Qapla'! Hospital seeks Klingon speaker. And a Kuro5hin article sheds more light on this story, a nice illustration of media distortion.
Colin Fahey takes the SAT and tries to earn the lowest possible score
Funk Logic sells rack filler panels with a bunch of stuff all over 'em! You might begin with the 3P-III Palindrometer.
The Dirty Sanchez, Etc. is a fairly extensive compilation of some of the extraordinary sexual activities that can be performed by men (including the Cleveland Steamer)
Is Objective: Christian Ministries for real, or a truly impressive and quite elaborate subtle hoax that's just a meta honeypot site to drive traffic to the well-known Landover Baptist site? Part of me says it's too ridiculous to be real and part of me isn't sure. I think it's a hoax, but if so, it's one of the most elaborate hoax sites I think I've ever seen.
The Sleepy Kitten Song and lots of other odd stuff by Rob Manuel
What would Strong Bad look like as a japanese cartoon?
Outside the Inbox: Songs Inspired by Spam is a music anthology project; if you want to record a song inspired by spam, check this out.
Test for Hidden Bias is various psychological reaction tests
feeling less listless