February 6 2002 RussCon Report


Game Results
Meta Party Game Results
Evening's Soundtrack
19 of us played 21 games.
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Certain people will be pleased to know that Tichu has surpassed Guillotine and is now the 4th most-played game ever at RussCon. Dark days indeed.

Those of you who recall Remi might enjoy the comic jam he and I have been bouncing back and forth by email (he's in Athens Georgia now). 6 pages are done now.

Clandestine's concert was good fun, even if Jen did babble on forever about the history in the song World Turned Upside Down in a wordy intro that lasted longer than the song itself. :)

Game Results

HoneyBears5JP 4 William 2 BobR 0 JimG -2 Marty -4
Tichu2( Dan Clay ) 1 ( Ben Zack ) -1
Babel2RussW 1 Clayton -1
VomKapBisKairo4JonathanC 3 Steve 0 Daniel 0 Matt -3
Carcassonne3RussW 2 Clayton 0 JP -2
Carcassonne4BobK 3 BobR 1 Clay -1 Steve -3
Tichu2( Dan William ) 1 ( Ben JimG ) -1
AufHellerUndPfennig3JimG 2 BobR 0 William -2
Metro3JP 2 RussW 0 Clayton -2
Babel2MarkY 1 Marty -1
WebOfPower3BobR 2 BobK 0 Steve -2
TradersOfGenoa5Matt 4 Daniel 2 JonathanC 0 Zack -2 Marty -4
WasSticht4Ben 3 William 1 Dan -1 JimG -3
Carcassonne4RussW 3 Clayton 1 MarkY -1 RussD -3
SchottenTotten2Steve 1 BobK -1
Zero3Daniel 2 JonathanC 0 Dan -2
UndTschuess5Marty 4 Daniel 2 Steve 0 MarkY -2 BobK -4
UndTschuess4Daniel 3 MarkY 1 Steve -1 BobK -3
Babel2RussW 1 Brady -1
Tichu2( Matt Ben ) 1 ( Zack JimG ) -1
Bluff4RussW 3 Daniel 1 MarkY -1 Steve -3

Jeffles was the Devil this week, but was away in Paris. Before leaving, he emailed out:

En tant que je suis le diable a l'absentia, si n'importe qui apporte HoneyBears... Je l'impregne avec la puissance du diable pour fixer la table comme premier jeu de la nuit.

As the devil in absentia, if anyone brings HoneyBears... I imbue it with the power of devil hood for securing the table as the first game of the night.

(And Dan corrected him: "Shame on you. The correct French is "ours de miel". Get with le programme.")

Thus HoneyBears was played for the first time in a while. Surely it is the greatest of all Knizia bear games.

Holy smokes, I won 2 games of Carcassonne again this week! And I won 2 games of Babel. Babel is a cool 2 player game, and I seem to actually have a knack for it. I also won Bluff in a surprising upset, as it came down to Daniel (3 dice) and me (1 die). Daniel made his bid of 3 2's. I didn't have a 2, so I decided to call, hoping he was bluffing. Turns out he was bluffing by accident as he'd made the wrong bid; he had 3 3's! Woo hoo!

Meta Party Game

MarkY was the Meta Devil. He didn't officially mail out his Meta Game, but he told me the basic idea, and I took it from there since he showed up late. It went more or less like this:
The Not-Tichu Meta Game

For each of the letters T I C H U which appear in the title of each game you play, earn a meta point. Low score wins.

I foolishly let MarkY get away without doing the scoring... here's how I reckon it: The games that scored meta points were: Honeybears (1), Tichu (5), Vom Kap Bis Kairo (1), Carcassonne (1), Auf Heller Und Pfennig (3), Metro (1), The Traders of Genoa (2), Was Sticht (4), Schotten Totten (3), Und Tschuess (4), Bluff (1).
 0 Brady 
 1 RussD                            1
 3 JP         1               1                1
 3 JonathanC            1                            2
 3 Clayton                    1     1          1
 4 RussW                      1     1          1                      1
 5 BobR       1                  1       3
 6 Clay          5               1
 7 Marty      1                                      2          4
 8 Matt              5  1                            2
10 MarkY                            1                           4 4   1
12 BobK                          1                           3  4 4
12 Daniel               1                            2          4 4   1
12 Zack          5   5                               2
13 William    1    5                     3                4
14 Steve                1        1                           3  4 4   1
14 Dan           5 5                                      4
18 JimG       1    5 5                   3                4
19 Ben           5 5 5                                    4
Mark & I quibbled about how best to break ties (I argued for # distinct titles played; he argued for largest score from a single game). In the end ties were irrelevant since Brady is clearly the Meta Devil! (And pleasingly, most of the Tichu players ended up near the bottom.)

It seems apparent in hindsight that perhaps the meta points earned should have then been divided by number of games played, since playing more games meant you were probably going to earn more meta points; the 2 people who only played one game had the lowest meta points. Well, hindsight is 20/20!

Brady is the Meta Devil and will design next week's meta game!

Evening's Soundtrack

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, Madonna
Eve's Plum, Envy
Marillion, Seasons End
Michael Penn, Free for All
Mox, Mox

These are all meta titles.


Rank ratings:
 0.8333 RussW (6 games played)    
 0.5263 Daniel (6)
 0.5000 JP (3)
 0.3333 Ben (4)
 0.3333 JonathanC (3)
 0.2727 BobR (4)
 0.2500 Matt (3)
 0.2000 William (4)
 0.0000 Clay (2)
-0.1429 Dan (4)
-0.1429 MarkY (5)
-0.2500 Clayton (4)
-0.3846 Marty (4)
-0.3846 BobK (5)
-0.4211 Steve (7)
-0.4545 JimG (5)
-0.6667 Zack (3)
-1.0000 RussD (1)
-1.0000 Brady (1)
New Win ratings:
 0.7500 RussW (6)
 0.6250 JP (3)
 0.5000 Matt (3)
 0.3333 Ben (4)
 0.1111 JonathanC (3)
 0.0769 Marty (4)
 0.0526 Daniel (6)
 0.0000 Clay (2)
 0.0000 Dan (4)
-0.0769 BobK (5)
-0.0909 BobR (4)
-0.1818 JimG (5)
-0.2000 William (4)
-0.2143 MarkY (5)
-0.2632 Steve (7)
-0.3333 RussD (1)
-0.5000 Clayton (4)
-0.5000 Zack (3)
-1.0000 Brady (1)
I am the Devil! Daniel is Vice-Devil. RussD and Brady both pulled off rare and dangerous Reverse Brady Maneuvers. Clay wins the Extra Average Award. Steve wins the Dedicated Award.


Guardian interview with Alan Moore

Bots Battle, Breed in A.I. Test

A BRIEF HISTORY OF ROCKETRY includes info on rockets in the Civil War!

The Dutch are the World's Tallest People, and interestingly, religion has something to do with it. My Dutch coworker is an exception to the rule...


The Official "Shut Up, Aaron!" Page

