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2004-10-20 RussCon Report![]() Matt mentioned this dubiously translated card in Saint Petersburg! |
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14 of us played 12 games!
VOTE! Early voting is underway, and you are encouraged to vote early because there are worries that election day (November 2) will be a chaotic crowded Florida-style fiasco with not everyone even being able to vote. Please pass along this info to others.
Early voting info
League of Women Voters guide
Austin Chronicle endorsements with discussion (and their short reference list without discussion of the endorsements)
Note Lorenzo Sadun is a very worthy write-in Democrat candidate (I heard him speak at the county convention and liked him). If you support him, take notes when you vote to remember his name's spelling... even if you are a straight-ticket voter, you won't be voting for him since he's a write-in.
If you want to help Democrat candidates, 701 Rio Grande has yard signs for various candidates available for $2 each.
I have been posting a lot of political news at my blog lately, which I encourage you to peruse. This election is very important, please be informed and involved.
Note that early voting runs 7am to 7pm on Mon-Sat (and noon-6pm Sun) at most locations, and that one could vote at the Albertson's (Braker and Lamar) enroute to RussCon if one were so inclined. This would be especially fun if one were in costume...
...Halloween falls on Sunday this year, which is lousy timing for RussCon, but nonetheless the traditional annual RussCon Halloween costumes are encouraged at the next (October 27) RussCon. Jeffles hinted something about a ballerina Santa Claus costume. And there might even be apple bobbing again, but I'm not sure. And as JimG mentioned in email, there will be hot eclipse-on-moon action that night.
A message about RussCon recruitment:
Every month or two, I get an email from some random stranger on the net who found out about this gaming group by some mention on the web. Occasionally, well-meaning RussCon folks actually recommend this group to random strangers (on the net, in game stores, etc.). This sometimes results in awkward situations as (I hope you can understand) I don't necessarily want random strangers, whom none of us know, coming into my home. (Plus, there seem to be enough people starved for a gaming group, that it could become impractically large if I made a point of opening RussCon up to everyone who might be interested.)
So I'd like to reiterate that one of the things which has helped our group succeed is the "friends of friends" recruitment, which helps ensure new folks are more likely to be on the same wavelength. (E.g., I would be exceedingly unhappy if some random gamer showed up who started smoking and spewing homophobic racist sexist nuke-the-middle-east peaceniks-are-traitors type rants!) I've seen other gaming groups formed by public advertisements attracting random groups of people who don't particularly "click", and they often seem to fizzle and fail. I trust friends of friends; I'm less comfortable with random strangers coming into my home.
And no, I don't think random strangers spell automatic doom. Indeed, there have been a few random strangers who found there way here and turned out to be great. It's just that I prefer friends of friends. And that's just my own preference for my own home; I'm not saying this is the "right" way to run a gaming group - if anyone else wants their group to be more open to everybody, more power to them.
I'm also not trying to discourage you from bringing friends to RussCon if you think they'd fit in. Friends of friends = good! Random strangers = not so good.
I also want to make clear that I'm not trying to spank anyone who's steered random strangers to RussCon, because I know it has always been well-intentioned, and I've probably not always been as clear on that as I could have been; hence I'm giving you a heads-up. Thanks!
Tichu | 2 | ( Jeffles KevinU ) 1 ( Ben MarkH ) -1 |
SaintPetersburg | 3 | JP 2 Clayton 0 JimG -2 |
Jeffles6SuitBiddingPrototype | 6 | SarahM 5 KevinU 3 Jeffles 1 PJ -2 Ben -2 MarkH -5 |
LostCities | 2 | RussW 1 ToddG -1 |
Settlers | 4 | KevinU 3 JP 1 Jeffles -1 SarahM -3 |
TooManyCooks | 4 | JimG 3 PJ 1 MarkH -1 Ben -3 |
SaintPetersburg | 4 | Matt 3 William 1 Clayton -1 MarkY -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben William ) 1 ( MarkH ToddG ) -1 |
HatTrick | 4 | MarkY 3 Matt 0 RussW 0 PJ -3 |
Exxtra | 5 | Jeffles 4 JP 2 KevinU 0 Clayton -2 SarahM -4 |
Carcassonne | 2 | MarkY 1 Clayton -1 |
SaintPetersburg | 4 | KevinU 3 Jeffles 1 SarahM -1 RussW -3 |
Five trick-taking games were played. Among them was "Jeffles 6 Suit Bidding Prototype", about which I know nothing except that it involves trick-taking and probably has some shadowy connection to Jeffles.
Lost Cities is seeming to get a resurgence lately as a good 2-player filler game. Had a good close game with ToddG (who's been around for a few months now, but this was actually our first time to play in any game together!)
Hat Trick is infamous for insensitivity to color-blindness (and printed something from me about that back in June 2001), but that doesn't stop us from mocking the game about that every time it is played. It had been a while, so we screwed up the rules in the first round. (You can only discard a card if two suits are already in play; otherwise you must play a card.) I like the game, but any given round can have a lot of bad luck (First round, MarkY, Matt, and PJ each dominate one of the 3 colors, leaving me nothing; Second round, PJ and I split one color, leaving MarkY and Matt to get a whole color each; etc.), so it's good to play multiple rounds for sure.
If you haven't played Saint Petersburg yet, what are you waiting for?
Evita, Premiere American Recording
Evita, The Complete Motion Picture Music Soundtrack
Huayucaltia, Horizontes
Inka Wayra, Magical Echoes from the Andes, Vol. III
Inti-Illimani, Leyenda
I enjoyed the new film Motorcycle Diaries, which involves a young Ernesto "Che" Guevera's long road trip all around South America, and has some cool music. Due to a comedy of errors I ended up seeing it by myself instead of with any of the several friends who suggested seeing it.
Go in the news! Seymour Hersh, speaking of the Iraq war, said "There is no 'win' anymore in this war. As somebody said, 'We're playing chess, they're playing Go.'"
Pirates and Emperors is a Schoolhouse Rock sort of Flash musical cartoon
Jocks vs. Geeks: The Two Tribes of American Politics
Bush and Kerry are relatives! I have no idea if this is true, but hey, if you go far enough back, we're all related...
Weebl and Bob kungfu Flash cartoon
Rexona - Cling commercial with cool body paint
Alfred's Boardgamegeek Rare Entries Contest is over. Sadly I only came in 30th (out of 92 entries), with a score of 1296. My entry, along with the number of entries (as reported later by Alfred) and my sometimes silly rationale for picking the title:
Knizia: Honey Bears (3) (jeffles would be proud of me)
Alea: Adel Verpflichtet (4) (heck, it's perhaps the first german game i owned, albeit in the AH edition)
Pre-1910: Go (3) (how could i not say this, though i'm sure it will hurt my score)
SDJ: Adel Verpflichtet (3) (ok, if it was good enough to say once, it's good enough to say twice)
Football: SPI Football (1) (since the first "serious" games i bought were from spi... not that i ever played ANY football game)
Blocks: Sam Grant (4) (since i think it was terribly disappointing after the great bobby lee, so no one will remember it)
Australia: Squatters (3) (the bizarre australian sheep farming game daniel found for 75 cents many years ago: "vaccinate against liver fluke"!)
Peter Pan as a (not yet completed) web graphic novel
TV B-Gone - if the site for this popular device is down, you could read this report
Mindball, the $20,000 game for the gamer who has everything