13 of us played 11 games. Relatively low attendance continues; perhaps this week was due to UT having started. |
As Tyler Durden said, the things you own end up owning you. I am trying to get rid of some clutter in my life (probably in vain, but a man can dream). I've put some books up for sale online (at amazon marketplace) (and even had one sell already) and am going to try half.com as well. I've also never actually sold anything in an ebay auction so will probably check that out for some of the rarer/bigger stuff. I hate to just take boxfuls of books to Half-Price Books and get a pittance for them since I know these books are worth more than some small epsilon greater than zero. (Although Ben claims to have once gotten $300 for 9 boxes of sf novels, to the amazement of the rest of us who usually get maybe a buck for a box of books there, if we're lucky. We suspect he must have slept with the buyer or something.) I'm also interested in cutting cheaper deals with friends or just giving some of it to friends if anyone wants it, so if any RussCon folks are interested in acquiring computer science, math, civil war, fiction, philosophy, queer/kinky, comics, or other books cheap, let me know. I also have 2 or 3 shelf feet of vinyl records if anyone's interested. I also have years' worth of Doctor Dobbs, Computer Language, Computer Game Developer and other software geek magazines which I'd be happy to just give free to anyone who wants them. I'm also thinking of getting rid of a bunch of boardgames! Anyway, this is just a heads up - I'll try to get a more specific list and plan in a couple weeks (when I'm back from a vacation - Whendy and I are visiting Sea Biscuit in San Francisco Sep 4-9!)
Also, if you have any games left at RussCon which in your heart of hearts you know never get played, go ahead and reclaim them. (Games like Alfred's Other Game and maybe "Bowelmeister" leap to mind.) The highly unpopular and bitterly despised games Domination and Conspiracy have already made their exit (thanks, William!). Which is not to discourage people from bringing new games - that's definitely cool. Let's just not keep games around forever if they've proven unpopular.
Heads up that the Willow Band (the new project of Clandestine bagpiper EJ) will be at the Cactus 8:30 on Tuesday September 2. And this week only apparently at the Dobie theater is Guy Maddin's Dracula; I have seen 2 of this guy's other films and found them fascinatingly odd. They have the look and feel of old silent films.
Odin'sRavens | 2 | JP 1 Marty -1 |
Can'tStop | 3 | MarkH 2 Ben -1 Whendy -1 |
Carcassonne | 4 | Fred 3 RussW 1 Clayton -1 Matt -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben MarkH ) 1 ( Whendy Dan ) -1 |
AufHellerUndPfennig | 4 | JP 3 William 1 Marty -1 MarkY -3 |
PuertoRico | 4 | Matt 3 RussW 1 Fred -1 Clayton -3 |
ZirkusFlohcati | 5 | Marty 3 MarkY 3 William 0 Ben -2 JP -4 |
Bluff | 6 | Whendy 5 RussW 3 MarkY 1 Ben -1 Clayton -3 JP -5 |
WyattEarp | 4 | William 3 Marty 1 RussD -1 Matt -3 |
Frank'sZoo | 5 | MarkY 4 Ben 2 Clayton 0 RussW -2 Whendy -4 |
Guillotine | 3 | RussW 2 MarkY 0 Ben -2 |
It had been a while since I'd played Puerto Rico, and it was fun to play it again. Truly it is a great game.
Whendy won a large game of Bluff two weeks in a row; could she be the new God of Gambles?
I didn't remember Wyatt Earp ever being played at RussCon before, but it actually had been played a couple times.
Clandestine, The Ale Is Dear
Clandestine, The Haunting
The Geraldine Fibbers, Lost Somewhere Between The Earth And My Home
Miranda Sex Garden, Fairytales Of Slavery
U2, Achtung Baby
CDs I have given to various significant people over the years.
American Memory from the Library of Congress
Lego harpsichord including mp3
Goth Day at Disneyland ("did you know that men criminally cannot wear fishnet stockings in Disneyland?") aka Bats Day in the Fun Park
Pink Five is a cute Star Wars fan film
Simson Garfinkel's quest to burn a magnesium NeXT Cube computer case
The Physicality of Books interviews various authors (including RussCon alumnus Jay Lake) about books as physical objects
Meat or Accident? is a photograph classification quiz with some photos not for the squeamish
Urban Dictionary seems to be a lowbrow version of Wikipedia (as if the latter were written by people with the maturity and writing skills of typical slashdotters)
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