23 of us played 22 games, including 3 newcomers! (BD, Binkley, SarahM) |
I enjoyed the Al Stewart concert with Clayton, Matt, and Brandy. Interestingly, he did not play "Year of the Cat" (his most famous popular song), no doubt mischievously sick of playing it. I was happy he played my favorite ("Roads to Moscow"). This show he had a guitarist with him; last year I saw him play solo.
Whendy & I saw Cremaster 3, part of the Cremaster Cycle of 5 films by Matthew Barney running at the Dobie this week. Very odd surreal challenging cinema indeed, with some amazing imagery and interesting music. I'm glad I saw it, but it was not an easy fast fun film. It's very slow and dream-logicky but is not just random surrealism. Not for everyone, but if you like weird movies you should check out the Cremaster stuff while it's here. A cow-orker actually flew to NYC to see the whole series at the Guggenheim a few months ago. (Personal note to Matt: I get the points for remembering "Matthew" :)
TitanArena | 4 | Whendy 3 Tim 1 RussW -1 JeffF -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( MarkH Fred ) 1 ( Dan Ben ) -1 |
Carcassonne | 4 | JP 3 MarkG 1 Fina -1 Clayton -3 |
Cathedral | 2 | Crash 1 MarkY -1 |
StephensonsRocket | 4 | Tim 3 JeffF 1 RussW -1 Whendy -3 |
Blokus | 4 | Dan 3 MarkH 1 Anderson -1 SarahM -3 |
Transamerica | 5 | JP 4 Anderson 2 MarkG 0 Clayton -3 SarahM -3 |
Exxtra | 4 | MarkY 3 MarkH 1 William -1 Crash -3 |
Settlers | 3 | Crash 2 William -1 MarkY -1 |
Cathedral | 2 | Anderson 1 SarahM -1 |
PuertoRico | 4 | TimG 3 Matt 1 BD -1 Binkley -3 |
Go | 2 | Ben 1 Fred -1 |
Settlers | 3 | RussD 2 RussW 0 Fina -2 |
Tichu | 2 | ( JeffF Tim ) 1 ( Whendy Marty ) -1 |
Exxtra | 6 | Ben 5 Clayton 3 Matt 1 BD -1 Binkley -3 Fred -5 |
ZirkusFlohcati | 4 | Marty 3 Whendy 1 William -1 BD -3 |
WebOfPower | 3 | Fina 2 RussW 0 RussD -2 |
Bluff | 5 | Fina 4 William 2 Crash 0 RussW -2 Whendy -4 |
Hoax | 6 | MarkG 5 JP -1 Anderson -1 SarahM -1 Crash -1 Tim -1 |
BigCity | 3 | MarkY 2 Binkley 0 Matt -2 |
42 | 2 | ( JP SarahM ) 1 ( MarkG Anderson ) -1 |
Earthquake | 4 | SarahM 3 Anderson -1 MarkG -1 JP -1 |
It warmed the cockles of my heart to see Ben and Fred play a full-size game of go.
A reminder: please write and spell clearly when recording game results, make the scores and ranks clear, and remember last initials for people with common names like Mark and Sarah, thanks!
Alice in Chains, Jar of Flies
Grunge Lite
Nirvana, In Utero
Singles, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Sleater-Kinney, The Hot Rock
Another of those pesky meta themes.
The Bright Stuff by Daniel C. Dennett... I'm not fond of the word "bright" here, but I'm all for his main point.
Funny nature sex pictures and arty earth erotica photography
TV report about Hunting for Bambi
A rather daring Jean Paul Gaultier wedding dress
ĉio bonegas en seatlo