I'm not sure if Russ will put this up on his web page or not [Sure I will! Anything to bring more viewers to my website and rake in the dough. Oh yeah! I am however too lazy to incorporate these ratings into the official RussCon database. --Russ], but we had 22 people play 15 games last week at my house. I think only one game was played on the floor as well. I managed to borrow 2 card tables and some chairs, so we almost had enough seating for everyone. Definitely a better turn out than I was expecting, but I think everyone had fun.
We had two newcomers -- Connie, PJ's sister, who was visiting; Mark Hamzy is a friend of Dan's from IBM.
In the absence of putting this up on a web page, I thought I'd send out the details in email.
Metro | 5 | Jeffles 4 TimL 2 Dan 0 JonathanB -2 Marty -4 |
6Nimmt | 6 | Mindy 5 ChrisH 3 Whendy 1 DaveB -1 Carly -3 James -5 |
Vampire | 5 | PJ 3 TimL 3 RussD 0 Clayton -2 Connie -4 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Marty Jeffles ) 1 ( Dan JonathanB ) -1 |
Exxtra | 5 | Connie 4 PJ 2 RussD 0 Clayton -3 William -3 |
Hare&Tortoise | 6 | ChrisH 5 James 3 Mindy 1 Carly -1 Whendy -3 DaveB -5 |
Tichu | 2 | ( JeffF MarkH ) 1 ( Steve Whindy ) -1 |
Wizard | 6 | JeffF 5 Ben 3 Steve 1 Whindy -2 TimL -2 MarkH -5 |
Traumfabrik | 5 | Jeffles 4 Connie 2 Marty 0 RussD -2 Clayton -4 |
CafeInternational | 4 | William 3 JonathanB 1 PJ -1 Dan -3 |
FormulaMotorRacing | 4 | Mark 3 Steve 1 DaveB -1 James -3 |
Metro | 5 | Matt 4 Mindy 2 ChrisH 0 Carly -2 Whendy -4 |
UndTschuess | 4 | PJ 3 Steve 1 DaveB -1 Connie -3 |
Verrater | 4 | JeffF 3 TimL 1 Whindy -1 Ben -3 |
Acquire | 3 | James 2 Mark 0 Marty -2 |
KKK | 4 | DaveB 3 Matt 1 PJ -2 MarkH -2 |
Rank ratings: 1.0000 JeffF (3) 1.0000 Jeffles (3) 0.7143 Matt (2) 0.6000 Mark (2) 0.5714 ChrisH (3) 0.5714 Mindy (3) 0.2941 PJ (5) 0.2500 TimL (4) 0.1667 Steve (4) 0.0000 Ben (2) 0.0000 William (2) -0.0667 Connie (4) -0.1667 RussD (3) -0.2000 James (4) -0.2500 JonathanB (3) -0.2632 DaveB (5) -0.4286 Carly (3) -0.4286 Whendy (3) -0.4444 Whindy (3) -0.4545 Marty (4) -0.5000 Dan (3) -0.6667 MarkH (3) -0.7500 Clayton (3) New Win ratings: 1.0000 JeffF (3) 1.0000 Jeffles (3) 0.4286 Matt (2) 0.4000 Mark (2) 0.2857 William (2) 0.2143 ChrisH (3) 0.2143 Mindy (3) 0.1765 PJ (5) 0.0000 Connie (4) 0.0000 TimL (4) -0.0526 DaveB (5) -0.0667 James (4) -0.1111 MarkH (3) -0.1818 Marty (4) -0.2143 Carly (3) -0.2143 Whendy (3) -0.2500 Ben (2) -0.3333 Clayton (3) -0.3333 RussD (3) -0.3333 Steve (4) -0.3333 Whindy (3) -0.3750 Dan (3) -0.3750 JonathanB (3)
So, the Jeffs were the big winners last week. They both played 3 games and won all of them! This will win you nothing but the acclaim of your peers, but it is still impressive. Matt pulled the eponymous Brady Maneuver.
Matt did not pull the Brady maneuver because he played in KKK (which hadn't been recorded in the book).
During the game of Traumfabrik, we actually played the CD that comes with the game. It's pretty good. Also, we once again discovered that there were rules that had been played incorrectly in previous games. I guess someone needs to do a thorough reading of the rules to make sure it gets played correctly.
There's a link to the translation at boardgamegeek, if anyone cares to read through the rules thoroughly.
Tichu and Metro are both proving to be quite popluar of late. Kudos to Dan for constructing his own Tichu deck. (I have one of reference cards, by the way. I'll bring it on Wed.)
All in all, a good time was had. I understand that several people were outside the house talking until 2 am(!) after I kicked everyone out. Thanks to everyone that brought snacks.
Also, I have an extra copy of Frank's Zoo. If you think you left it, let me know.
Marty (who survived the layoff)
"The closest that I've come to know a menage a trois is
me & Ben & Jerry." -- Guy Noir, A Prarie Home Companion