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2005-05-11 RussCon Report

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12 of us played 10 games!

Life is strange. And flipside is only 2 weeks away.

Game Results

Boggle4RussW 3 Ben 1 Marty -1 Clayton -3
KillDog6Marty 5 Clayton 3 MarkH 1 RussW -2 Matt -2 Ben -5
KillDog3Matt 2 RussW 0 Clayton -2
KillDog4RussW 3 SarahM 1 Matt -1 Clayton -3
Tichu2( MarkH William ) 1 ( Marty Ben ) -1
Frank'sZoo4KevinY 3 Chad 1 Zarah -1 Ben -3
Exxtra6Ben 5 Chad 3 KevinY 1 Zarah -1 MarkH -3 William -5
Boggle4Chad 3 KevinY 1 Ben -1 Zarah -3
ArsMysteriorum5MarkY 4 Matt 1 SarahM 1 RussW -2 Clayton -4
KillDog5SarahM 4 MarkY 2 Clayton 0 Matt -2 RussW -4

I did pretty well in Boggle, especially considering I totally blew the first round by erroneously thinking of Big Boggle scoring and thus did not write any 3-letter words...

Kill Dog was played, with a set made by Matt, who also used it for the Meta Game. It was surprisingly fun and interesting! Loot to be divided among crooks, and we all simultaneously point our guns at another player, like the finale of Reservoir Dogs, and maybe some people chicken out and drop out of the round. Survivors split the loot. Especially funny when we end up with a circle of each person threatening the next in a loop, or when everybody all pointed at the same player.

Ars Mysteriorum seems interesting but took us a very long time to play. A lot of interacting rules subsystems made the learning slow. But I'd try it again, preferably with people who've played it once already.


Rank Ratings:       
 2.7081 Chad
 2.3026 MarkY
 2.3026 SarahM
 2.0794 KevinY
 0.6931 Marty
 0.0646 MarkH
-0.0408 RussW
-0.2231 Matt
-1.0987 William
-2.0794 Ben
-2.0794 Zarah
-4.5659 Clayton
Win Ratings:
 1.7385 RussW won 2 of 6
 1.3863 MarkY won 1 of 2
 1.0986 SarahM won 1 of 3
 0.9163 Chad won 1 of 3
 0.9163 KevinY won 1 of 3
 0.8109 Marty won 1 of 3
 0.5108 William won 1 of 2
 0.3285 MarkH won 1 of 3
 0.1823 Matt won 1 of 5
 0.0533 Ben won 1 of 6
-0.7576 Zarah won 0 of 3
-1.6094 Clayton won 0 of 6

Chad, MarkY and I are Co-Devils! Clayton is the Generous Angel.

If you are confused how the ratings work, you could peruse the FAQ.

I used GraphViz to generate the graph image.

devil graph

Meta Game

Matt was the Meta Devil and created a set of Kill Dog (from last week's links) to use as the Meta Game.

The rules translation we had was ambiguous in multiple ways (perhaps the original rules are as well), but we sorted it out and had fun playing it several times. The final game counted for the Meta Game, and SarahM won, so SarahM is the Meta Devil and will design next week's Meta Game!

Evening's Soundtrack

Tor Amos, Strange Little Girls
Beyond the Pale, Strange Turns
The Best of The Doors
Fight Club, Original Motion Picture Score
Strange Days, Music from the Motion Picture

You met me at a very strange time in my life.

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