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2004-08-11 RussCon Report![]() ![]() |
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14 of us played 12 games! Welcome back to long-lost me (RussW), back from Portland, Seattle, Sidney (Canada not Australia!), Beijing, Rochester... Also, speaking of world travelling: thanks RussD for the postcard from Malaysia!
38 Days Later: I'm back from my vacation, and my blog has some trip reports (translated to English by my ex-cow-orker Greg for your English reading enjoyment). In a nutshell, it was a very excellent vacation with some intense cool stuff. Also I have assembled a photo gallery for your viewing pleasure. Thanks to JP for doing 3 Reports while I was gone (even if he did wimp out on the 4th one!) The 5th week of course JP was also gone due to the US Go Congress, which, incidentally, is now officially downgraded a little bit to The Second Best Week Of The Year, since The Best Week Of The Year is now la Universala Kongreso de Esperanto!
Great Hall Games moved a few weeks ago to 5501 North Lamar (a block south of Koenig), and now it seems Dragon's Lair is also changing locations for their Austin and Round Rock stores both.
EinfachGenial | 4 | KevinU 3 RussW 1 Clayton -1 BD -3 |
Crokinole | 2 | JP 1 TimG -1 |
RicochetRobot | 6 | RussW 5 Tim 2 KevinU 2 BD -2 TimG -2 SarahM -5 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben Dan ) 1 ( MarkH Tim ) -1 |
Crokinole | 2 | Dan 1 Ben -1 |
Bluff | 6 | KevinU 5 RussD 3 Clayton -1 Ben -1 Tim -1 Pauline -5 |
EinfachGenial | 4 | MarkY 3 SarahM 1 RussW -1 TimG -3 |
Zero | 4 | MarkH 3 Ben 1 SarahM -1 KevinU -3 |
Cloud9 | 4 | SarahM 3 KevinU 1 MarkY -1 Ben -3 |
Frank'sZoo | 4 | Ben 3 MarkY 1 SarahM -1 KevinU -3 |
RicochetRobot | 4 | KevinU 3 MarkY 0 Ben 0 SarahM -3 |
Acquire | 3 | Tim 2 RussW 0 Clayton -2 |
38 Days Later, I played Einfach Genial as my first game at RussCon. Yep, it's a good one. Then it was pleasing to play Ricochet Robot and win, even with the master Tim in the game (though admittedly he joined after we'd already played a few chits).
I wasn't surprised to see Tichu is still played at RussCon...
We had one of those games of Acquire where it was clear from very early on what the final rankings would be: Tim and I kept benefitting from mergers while Clayton got nothing, and Tim was always getting the first place bonus.
I'm still curious to play La Strada even though I know some folks wrote me to say they just thought it was so-so. (Hint hint, nudge nudge to anyone who owns a copy!) Also I recently got to play St Petersburg (outside of RussCon) and enjoyed it.
OK, I just noticed a beat-up old box of TSR's Divine Right downstairs! What a nostalgia blast! I opened it to look inside and reminisce... thinking "Wow, it would be cool to play Divine Right again after, what, 25 years..." and I find that the counter tray contains counters for SPI's Sorcerer, not TSR's Divine Right! What's up with that?
La Ĉina Muziko, de la 89a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto
Circus Contraption, Our Latest Catalogue
Dolcxamar, Lingvo Intermonda
Jay (Chinese pop/rap)
Kajto, Masko
Muziko de mia vojaĝo
California's SUV Ban: The Golden State has outlawed big SUVs on many of its roads but doesn't seem to know it. This article is entertaining yet also raises some very good points.
Bob Felice's photos from US Go Congress Stories of Imaginary Places. Fred and I met this guy David Stokes at ArmadilloCon; all three of us had taken Douglass Parker's Parageography class at UT
What's this fascination with Germanic languages?
XHTML™ 2.0 Working Draft may be of interest to the more techgeeky among us
NITLE Blog Census... I wonder if they classed my blog as English or Esperanto or both.
la uk estas la nova plej bona semajno en la jaro