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2004-05-05 RussCon Report |
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14 of us played 10 games. Long-lost Whindy returned, and sporadic attendee Harry reappeared!
Action alert! If you care about live theater, music, sports, or other live entertainment, read this action alert - There's a proposal to tack $1 onto every ticket for live entertainment to fund education. If you agree that we shouldn't be discouraging people from going to live theater and music and such, write your congresscritters.
Attention mystery people: trash goes in the trash can not the recycling bin, and recyclables go in the recycle bin not the trash can. Thanks!
FastFoodFranchise | 5 | MikeC 4 Fina 2 Jeffles 0 JP -2 RussW -4 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben MarkH ) 1 ( Whendy Fred ) -1 |
ArkOfTheCovenant | 3 | RussW 2 JP 0 Clayton -2 |
Exxtra | 4 | Ben 3 MarkH 1 Whendy -1 Fred -3 |
WebOfPower | 3 | MarkH 2 Fina -1 MikeC -1 |
CarcassonneCastle | 2 | RussW 1 Clayton -1 |
Scrabble | 2 | Jeffles 1 Ben -1 |
Rheinlaender | 4 | JimG 3 Whindy 1 Harry -1 Matt -3 |
Rheinlaender | 5 | Whindy 4 Matt 1 JP 1 JimG -2 Harry -4 |
RicochetRobot | 4 | Jeffles 3 Ben -1 JP -1 RussW -1 |
I'd played Fast Food Franchise long long ago in the SimTex days with Evan and Ken et al; I remembered liking it ok, but the game tonight was pretty lame. Mike got ahead at the very start (due to starting 2 chains within a few spaces of each other and joining them for the good multiplying effect) and never looked back. I didn't get to start a chain for the first 3 turns due to repeatedly landing on advertising spaces, and was soon bankrupted when I landed on Mike's aforementioned juicy succulent chain. There seems way too much important luck in the first few turns. JP then gave up early and apparently bailed out (bad JP!) even though hindsight revealed he probably could have achieved second place (he was in a better position than Fina and Jeffles, who both didn't get to start second companies).
I was exceedingly surprised to win Ark of the Covenant, yay! I managed to pip JP (who had almost lapped me) by a few points in the end thanks mostly to finally completing a big frickin' city that had been tying up 3 of my meeples (including the doubling prophet) from very early on.
Clayton and I had a rather low-scoring game of Carcassonne the Castle, thanks to 2 different very large regions that completed with equal numbers of dudes in them. If I recall, I managed to prevent Clayton getting any of the special chits, heh.
Ricochet Robot was humbling: JP, Ben, and I all only scored 3, while Jeffles scored 8! Of course I've also been finding the daily competition at to be quite humbling...
Nobody remembered to record either Rheinlaender game until Matt was leaving, so these rankings are constructed by email with the participants the next day...
Cake, Fashion Nugget
Camper Van Beethoven, Key Lime Pie
Cracker, The Golden Age
Iggy Pop, Brick By Brick
The Sweet Hereafter, original motion picture soundtrack
A sweet theme indeed. For those who don't know, the Cracker album has the song "Sweet Thistle Pie" and the Iggy Pop album has the classic "Candy". (Man, I am so glad Lance gave me that Iggy Pop a few years ago, it rules!)
Although I normally try not to get too overtly political in the RussCon Report, lately it gets hard to resist. It seems too important not to mention, and I want to encourage everyone to read the news and note the increase of dangerous lying and manipulation by administration members related to the Iraq war (and by apologists like Rush Limbaugh who think the torture is just a fraternity-style prank - either they're ignorant or they're intentionally not mentioning that it's more than just nudity and sleep deprivation, but includes serious torture like rapes, beatings, blood-spattered rooms, and at least 25 killed prisoners). (Daily Kos has a lot of interesting commentary and linkage, by the way.) I've been blogging a lot lately about political issues like the Iraq torture scandal, with lots of links to more info. The US invaded Iraq claiming we were going to free the Iraqi people from such things. The sad thing is this ever-growing torture scandal is just the latest in a long chain of lies and deceit, from why we invaded to how the war is progressing, but I'm glad to see it getting such attention. Even if one supported the war, it's greatly troubling that we're ignoring the Geneva Convention and warnings by the Red Cross and earlier internal military reports about abuse - which puts our own troops at greatly increased risk when they are captured - and how the administration has been misleading congress and the US public about many various affairs. I encourage folks to keep abreast of this news and where the US is heading. I believe this is more than just a party politics thing and is way more important than whether one supports or opposes Bush's tax cuts or whatever; more and more Republicans also are alarmed at what Bush, Rumsfeld, Rove, Cheney etc are up to.
America's Final Century published by a new small press Dolman Sextillion, written by Jordan Jannai, the nome de plume (or perhaps nom de guerre?) of RussCon's own Frederick Worthington Stanton III. It is a sort of history book and sf novel, explaining how we got here and where we might be going if the US government continues as it is now.
Average IQ by state and how they voted in 2000 and Bush's support is directly proportional to misperceptions of facts involving whether we found WMDs in Iraq, Iraq's ties to 9/11, and Iraq's ties to al Queda and terrorism in general.
Doonesbury lately has BD injured in Iraq (and it's the first time BD's hair is ever seen in the comic's history...) It's also interesting reading the various reader reactions.
Online Comics Day aka Webcomics Awareness Day was May 5... this was the 4th year of the event and as always I did a special strip for it. I wrangled it with cohort Jim Alexander for the first 3 years, and it kept growing; thank goodness Howard Tayler took over this year!
Stencil Revolution has galleries of cool street art... I wish Austin had more street art like the following:
artofthestate has cool political and social stencil street art by Banksy in London, some of it quite impressive in scale and quality.
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