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2004-03-17 RussCon Report![]() |
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11 of us played 9 games. It was an unusually light turnout, I think due to the triple whammy of spring break, SXSW, and St. Patrick's Day!
Attention bicyclists! Marty is planning to do a 2 day bike ride for diabetes on May 22-23. He's looking for folks that might want to join him and/or donate money as a fundraiser. The bike ride is from San Antonio to Austin, but there are different length rides for different abilities. Marty hopes to do one of the long rides and one of the shorter rides. More info.
Kudos to Tim for bringing one of the weirder of the weird foods lately - this one straight from Brazil, where he recently bought it without knowing quite what it was. It came inside a curious wooden box, of some very light material like balsa or cork, and inside that was an ominous dark brick of goo, wrapped in plastic. As best we could determine it was some sort of fruit paste (apricot or guava or some such) that had a strange smoky or fetid taste to it as well. It was a bit strong and strange to eat straight, but then we discovered the trick of dipping Snider's pretzels into it!
Since I chat frequently with a Brazilian Esperantist, the next day I thought I would see if he could help identify the substance:
[11:39] * rao has joined #esperanto
[11:40] <russ> saluton rao!
[11:40] <rao> saluton, amiko!
[11:41] <russ> mi parolis pri vi pasintan nokton, en mia tabuloluda grupo!
[11:41] <russ> iu amiko jxus revenis el brazilo! kal li alportis iun strangan mangxajxon! "buriti"
[11:42] <rao> cxu buriti? mi ne konas tion!
[11:42] <russ> sxajnas ke gxi estas iu frukto, kuirita kun fumo, sed ni ne certas.
[11:43] <rao> fakte "buriti" estas en la vortaro, sed mi ankoraux ne konas gxin c]:)
[11:43] <russ> post minuto, mi videbligos foton...
[11:44] <rao> c]:)
[11:44] <russ>
[11:45] <russ> mi supozas ke la teksta lingvo estas la portugala
[11:45] <russ> cxu "doce" estas dolcxa?
[11:45] <rao> jes! tio estas dolcxajxo farita per buritio!
[11:46] <russ> la ligna skatalo tre malpezas, eble la ligno estas balza aux korka
[11:46] <rao> "speciala dolcxajxo buritia"
[11:47] <russ> cxu "burita" estas nomo de mangxo, aux nomo de kompanio aux regiono?
[11:47] <russ> "buriti"
[11:47] <rao> gxi estas la nomo de la frukto
[11:48] <rao> "casa sampaio" estas la nomo de la butiko en kiu via amiko acxetis tion c]:)
[11:48] <russ> damne, "buriti" ne estas en la vortaro (portugala->eo) cxe lernu
[11:49] <russ> cxu vi scias la anglan aux esperantan nomon de la frukto?
[11:50] <russ> ha, nur diras ke "buriti" estas "buriti" :)
[11:50] <rao> "buriti" estas tre stranga nomo, estas normale ke gxi ne estas en pt-eo vortaro
[11:51] <russ> la gusto iom similas al abrikoto, sed ne gxuste
[11:51] <russ> alia amiko diris ke la buriti similas al gujavo.
[11:52] <rao> el mia angla vortaro: bu.ri.ti [burik´i] sm Bot Brazilian wine-palm (Mauritia vinifera)
So there you go - apparently we were eating the fruit of the Brazilian wine-palm plant! Dankon al rao pro lia helpema informo!
Rainbows | 4 | Jeffles 3 Whendy 1 Ben -1 Tim -3 |
DurchDieWueste | 4 | JimG 3 RussW 1 MarkG -1 Clayton -3 |
Domaine | 4 | MarkG 3 RussW 1 Clayton -1 JimG -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Jeffles Whendy ) 1 ( Ben Tim ) -1 |
Can'tStop | 4 | Tim 3 Ben 0 Whendy 0 Jeffles -3 |
ButtonMen | 2 | Ben 1 Jeffles -1 |
Domaine | 4 | RussW 3 JP 1 Chad -1 MarkG -3 |
Guillotine | 4 | Ben 3 MarkY 1 Clayton -1 Jeffles -3 |
Bluff | 8 | Clayton 7 JP 5 RussW 3 Jeffles 1 MarkY -1 Chad -3 Ben -5 MarkG -7 |
Durch die Wüste was a good close contest. I was pleasantly surprised to achieve second place; I didn't do well with sealing off areas, but I managed to have the largest white caravan (with only 4 camels!) and tie in another. MarkG walled off the most territory and was the leader in my mind, but at the last minute he lost control of the red caravan and actually earned no bonus points for any largest caravan.
Two more games of Domaine tonight! In the first one, I repeated my performance of last week's game: MarkG was clearly winning, and I realized my best hope was to secure second place, therefore I made it so, making a move to push past the 30-point mark and ending the game. In the second game, Mark was clearly in last place and, frustrated at JP's early lead and (perceived/alleged/whatever disclaimer) early malice toward Mark, cooperated in pushing me from second place to victory over JP. On JP's turn before Mark's, JP placed a couple fences which Mark could have used to make my castle have a tiny domaine and not end the game; JP said something about how he could only hope that Mark wouldn't do the "cheesy" thing and help me win, since as Mark had said earlier, the only rational course in a game is to keep someone from winning if they're about to. (Of course from my point of view, that is not necessarily the only rational course; if you are only delaying the inevitable while hurting your own rank then banging on the imminent leader is not necessarily rational, I'd argue.) Anyway, this launched a mercifully brief conversation about kingmaking, grudges, playing for rank versus win, and all that, which I give thanks to Zoltar's divine guidance only lasted a few sentences, instead of twenty or thirty minutes like often happens after a controversial game of Drakon... A less controversial topic that arose concerning Domaine is whether the game has a problem, in that both times one player got an early domaine formed which gave them income and pulled them ahead of the others. In the first game, this led Mark to easy victory. In the second game, it would have led JP to easy victory had not Mark decided he didn't mind me winning instead of JP. It seems possible to me that this effect was only due to our inexperience with the game, and that more experienced players might have a more balanced opening, but I'm not sure. In any case, I am willing to play the game more to find out since I still find it interesting, even if it does have a "rich get richer" problem. (Kind of like Outpost in that regard, but much shorter playing time!)
Bluff was fun with the large number of players, and a brilliant new decision making technique was pioneered by MarkY; I will call it stochastic modeling and simulation, since it deserves a hifalutin impressive name. If there are n dice unknown to you, then simply roll n dice and pretend that this is the actual distribution of the hidden dice, making your raise accordingly. This is an especially potent and entertaining technique when your simulation predicts all the hidden dice are the same, for instance.
Black 47
Black 47, Fire of Freedom
Black 47, Green Suede Shoes
Black 47, Home of the Brave
Black 47, Trouble in the Land
They may not be totally traditional Irish, but Black 47 is the band I most think of when I think of music for St. Patrick's Day!
Your classic comebacks: yak, smack, wolf tickets and atomic trash-talk the Esperanto of human endeavor! Pick up some new ideas for things to say to your opponent (or your Tichu partner)
Peter Schmies's Word Classification Test Try this if you like obscure words. Including wild guesses (of which I presumably got half correct), I scored 169 out of 200.
Coffee Art short film
The Bovine Rectal Palpation Simulator Project Welcome to McDonald's Asian Pacific Islander Americans - i'm lovin' it! ... We're Asian and Pacific Islander Americans "living on the rim," where our diverse cultures and the everyday American lifestyle become one. We're hanging on to our great traditions while we move to the beat of the times. We honor our heritage - but we love being Americans. From high fashion to high tech, from Asian Pacific American hip hop to haute cuisine, we're weaving the threads of our culture into the fabric of everyday American life. Whether we're sipping green tea or enjoying a Big Mac® sandwich, we're helping make the magic mix called America become even richer. And McDonald's is right there with us, everyday! ... this site boggles me on so many levels, even without laughing at the alternative interpretations of "living on the rim".
Meanwhile, in other news:
[16:53] <johnkw> I heard that ELF booty got soul
[16:54] <gregh> ELF binaries rock and roll
verdo bonas