Mail call: The other Brad in New Zealand mailed me this newspaper article about a campaign to educate voters about Australian style elections, aka Single Transferrable Vote (adopted by Wellington City voters but ruled out for Auckland City residents by Auckland City Council). STV has attracted criticism for being more expensive and too complicated, so this demonstration walked through the voting and calculation process clearly. Our Most Assiduous Reader knows that the RussCon Management believes STVs are a better election system than US-style "simply vote for one candidate, period" elections. Stack up STV with LOTR and Dylan Horrocks, and there are just so many reasons I'd like to live in New Zealand.
Lynne Serpe, organizer for the Electoral Reform Coalition, said, "the fact that people on the street, when given a little ballot and a one line description could grasp the concept of ranking candidates in order of preference and vote for as few as or as many as they like, I think demonstrates how simple STV really is."
Princess Leia won the election; after the first round, Hans [sic] Solo had the fewest votes and was eliminated, then Luke Skywalker was eliminated, and then Princess Leia had a majority over Darth Vader. "Thank you very much. Prettiness wins out," said Princess Leia -- Saphron Hastie in real life.
We didn't notice it, but the 5th Anniversary of RussCon was last week (I think it's January 14.) Yay us.
Next week is Zack's last RussCon (how pleasing that he will be the Meta Devil and the Devil!) He's moving to Santa Fe to pursue glass-blowing! There's been quite a RussCon diaspora over the years, with RussCon people dispersing to exotic locales all over the world... New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, England, Paris, New York, Athens (Texas and Georgia), and many more...
We also may not see Daniel for a while, thanks to our government calling up reservists for the War for Oil on Iraq. Good luck Daniel, and we hope to see you back at RussCon soon!
Note the final Clandestine appearance in Austin is this weekend. While attending Friday's late show, Clayton and I saw BobR emerge from the early show. Some of us will be back tonight (Saturday) at the late show and doing dinner first at Veggie Heaven around 8:15 or so.
Blokus | 4 | RussW 3 BobR 1 BradS -1 Dan -3 |
Blokus | 4 | BradS 2 Dan 2 RussW -1 BobR -3 |
ClueTheCardGame | 5 | BradS 4 Fina -1 BobR -1 Dan -1 RussW -1 |
TooManyCooks | 5 | Ben 4 Marty 1 MarkH 1 Dan -2 Carly -4 |
Rome | 5 | Zack 4 Steve 2 JimG 0 Fred -2 William -4 |
Exxtra | 3 | MarkY 2 Clayton 0 Ben -2 |
Rome | 3 | Zack 2 JimG -1 Fred -1 |
WebOfPower | 3 | RussW 2 Steve 0 Dan -2 |
King'sGate | 4 | Matt 3 Marty -1 JP -1 MarkH -1 |
Settlers | 4 | William 3 Fina 0 BobR 0 BradS -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Zack Dan ) 1 ( Fred JimG ) -1 |
Hive | 2 | JP 1 Matt -1 |
Blokus | 4 | BradS 2 BobR 2 Fina -1 William -3 |
PuertoRico | 3 | JP 2 MarkH 0 Matt -2 |
BattleCry | 2 | Ben 1 MarkY -1 |
CarcassonneHunters | 5 | Pauline 4 RussD 1 RussW 1 Steve -2 Clayton -4 |
Cathedral | 2 | RussW 0 Steve 0 |
Blokus | 4 | JP 3 Zack 1 Matt -2 Dan -2 |
Blokus | 4 | Dan 3 JP 1 Matt -1 Zack -3 |
Blokus | 4 | Zack 2 Steve 2 JP -1 RussW -3 |
Tichu | 2 | ( Ben MarkY ) 1 ( MarkH William ) -1 |
Even more Blokus! Woohoo! It does have the problem/feature of diplomacy and potential for ganging up. E.g. it's not the first time I've won a game, then gotten smacked down by all 3 opponents in the next game. But it's still cool.
I feel more confident in my belief that Clue The Card Game is faster than the boardgame, but too chaotic/lucky. But it has the virtue of being pretty short.
Fun to play Web Of Power again. I unwittingly won... it had been so long since I played that I forgot about the trans-Mediterranean link lines and so hadn't realized that I'd be getting 10 more advisor points than I thought I was, thanks to my advisors way over in Italien... It's like finding 10 dollars in your wallet you didn't know you had!
An interesting rules question arose in Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers: if a river completes with the same lake capping it at both ends, do the fish in the lake count double or not? As best we could interpret the rules ("1 point for each river segment and 1 point for each fish in the lakes (if any) at the ends of the river"), the answer is "no, they do not." And so RussD tied for 2nd with me instead of knocking me to 3rd! I feel like such a dirty rules lawyer now.
Clandestine, The Ale is Dear
Clandestine, The Haunting
Clandestine, To Anybody At All
Jen Hamel, Fine Small Storm
Clandestine, Music from Home
Saturday January 25 is their last Austin performance. I am sad. -- truly this week's RussCon Report is a Bonanza of Bradness! This (non-RussCon) Brad is the creator of stripcreator. has quick and funny stuff about our government's dubious policies
Fly guy is a neat Flash toy
Fans Outraged at New Character in The Return of the King
Homemade weather balloon project tells of a delightful multidisciplinary geek project
Big Dead Place is a cynical look at Antarctica
Hikaru no Go collectible figures
Arimaa is an abstract strategy game with an AI contest. Amazons is another abstract strategy game, for which some AI and mathematical research has been done (including by Martin Müller and by Elwyn Berlekamp).