December 18 2002 RussCon Report

red & green

Game Results
Meta Game Results
Evening's Soundtrack
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13 of us played 11 games.
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JimG said in the spirit of the giving season, he's donating a copy of Lords of the Sierra Madre as a door prize, to be given to whoever got the best rating this evening! Who was the lucky winner? Find out in the ratings section below! Thanks JimG for supplying a prize!

There will be RussCon As Usual next week December 25.

Game Results

Transamerica6JP 5 Steve 3 Whendy 1 Marty -2 Meng -2 RussW -5
VomKapBisKairo3JimG 2 Clayton 0 Marty -2
Tichu2( Dan William ) 1 ( Ben MarkH ) -1
Exxtra4Ben 3 MarkH 1 William -1 Dan -3
Cloud94MarkH 3 William 1 Ben -1 Dan -3
PuertoRico5Steve 4 Meng 2 JP 0 Whendy -2 RussW -4
DieGefaehrten4JimG 3 Marty 1 Clayton -1 RussD -3
Guillotine5Steve 4 Meng 2 JP 0 RussW -2 Whendy -4
Wizard4MarkH 3 Dan 1 William -1 Ben -3
UnionPacific3Marty 2 JimG 0 Whendy -2
CarcassonneHunters5Clayton 4 JP 2 Steve 0 RussW -2 RussD -4
steve is mean

Whendy's bitter complaints and lamentations fell upon the ears of an Indifferent Public (which Steve sent to the discard pile...)

Meta Game

I was the Meta Devil. Here is the Meta Game I mailed out:

Red & Green

Woohoo, it's a lame-ass Xmas Meta Game!

Earn a meta point each time you play a game and you control the red or the green player piece(s) (if there are such things in the game).

In the event that several people want to take a given color in a game, decide randomly who gets them. Even if one player traditionally prefers the color red or green. Sorry William. :)

Also earn a meta point if you wear a Santa hat during RussCon!

High score wins. Ties broken by whoever brings a hot plate or crock pot for me to borrow and keep a pot of my soup warm at my office potluck friday, which I could return over the weekend or next time you're at RussCon or whenever works for you. (Am I opportunistic or what?) Further ties broken randomly.

Dan & I wore Santa hats. Total points earned were as follows:
Dan 3
RussW 2
JimG 2
Marty 2
MarkH 2
JP 1
Clayton 1
Steve 1

So Dan is the Meta Devil, and will design next week's Meta Game!

Reminder of the new incentive to compete in the Meta Game: The Meta Devil gets full table rights, just like a regular Devil from now on, so they could stake out the dining table or the kitchen table. Of course Vice-Devils continue to get secondary dibs on the tables if no higher-ranking Devil or Meta Devil takes a table.

Evening's Soundtrack

Black 47, Green Suede Shoes
Green Day, Insomniac
King Crimson, Red
Red Hot Chili Peppers, One Hot Minute
3 Colours Red, Pure

Another pesky meta soundtrack theme!


New Multiplicative Rank Ratings:
 4.1352 62.5000 Steve (4)
 2.4849 12.0000 JP (4)
 2.4849 12.0000 JimG (3)
 2.4849 12.0000 MarkH (4)
 1.2040 3.3333 Clayton (3)
 0.8755 2.4000 Meng (3)
 0.2877 1.3333 William (4)
-0.1054 0.9000 Marty (4)
-1.0986 0.3333 Ben (4)
-1.6740 0.1875 Dan (4)
-2.9957 0.0500 RussD (2)
-3.1135 0.0444 Whendy (4)
-4.7875 0.0083 RussW (4)
New Multiplicative Win Ratings:
 2.8134 16.6667 Steve won 2 of 4
 2.0794 8.0000 JimG won 2 of 3
 1.7918 6.0000 MarkH won 2 of 4
 1.1223 3.0720 JP won 1 of 4
 0.9163 2.5000 Clayton won 1 of 3
 0.2231 1.2500 Marty won 1 of 4
 0.1178 1.1250 Ben won 1 of 4
-0.1699 0.8438 Dan won 1 of 4
-0.1699 0.8438 William won 1 of 4
-0.5108 0.6000 RussD won 0 of 2
-0.6286 0.5333 Meng won 0 of 3
-0.8518 0.4267 RussW won 0 of 4
-1.0341 0.3556 Whendy won 0 of 4

Steve is the Devil! In addition to the usual privileges of staking out the table, he wins a lovely new copy of Lords of the Sierra Madre, courtesy of JimG. JP and JimG are Co-Vice-Devils. MarkH is Vice-Vice-Devil. Then Clayton.

elf booty got soul! elf girls like to rock'n'roll! Valid HTML 4.01!
