My Bench yoga series ganesh

Ok, I did enough yoga-related strips for the Bench to justify making their own page. The Bench died, and now all my comics are at Ko Fight Club.

1102 1102 Gabe starts taking yoga classes. I stole this punchline from my friend KevinH who used it on me a few weeks before when I was telling him about yoga classes. I begin to get more conscious of the value of getting strip ideas from "real life" instead of thinking of them out of a vacuum or as references to other art/literature/film. This took some effort clipping and crossing Gabe's legs into a halfway decent looking sitting pose, which probably encouraged me further to come up with more yoga strips so I could reuse this art!

1127 1127 Second yoga strip. Gabe and squirrel bicker back and forth through all 3 panels instead of the usual setup and final panel punchline. Perhaps the "smartass insult followed by rebuttal" format works better as a continual banter than as a single punchline. If you look closely, you'll see Gabe's legs are crossed differently from the first yoga strip, so I didn't end up fully reusing the art from the first strip!

1160 1160 Subtle humor as Gabe sits in a dog turd... For visual variety I used an early Penny Arcade drawing of Gabe sitting crosslegged looking right (while playing a video game). Also more experimenting with Gimp effects for the grass texture, this time using impressionist plus other stuff. Also experimenting with supernova effects and gradient masking to make the sun in the sky. (I thought that emphasizing that it is a warm day would give the punchline more punch.)

1184 1184 Another Cthulhu strip, this one a groaning pun on Yog-Sothoth (another of the Lovecraftian deities). I like using an eldritch plasma background for strips with Cthulhu. This is the first one I did with Cthulhu talking, and I wanted to use an eldritch font for his dialog. The earlier Cthulhu strips are 909 and 911.

Tycho loved this one.

1204 1204 Yoga babes.

1218 1218 Yoga party.

1247 1247 Very silly Yogi Bear pun. Also a reference to popular Penny Arcade strip where Gabe and Tycho are afraid to go outside because there are bears outside. Artistically I wanted to try making the flashlight effect. Not particularly pleased with it, but it's all right. I did a supernova and then used a mask formed from conical gradient intersected with radial gradient, then fudged it some. Using the crosslegged Gabe facing right seemed much better layout for the third panel so that he's facing the bear. The bear is just some clip art from one of the clip art sites.

1262 1262 Another silly obscure reference to Titus Andronicus. (See my earlier strips 623 (which was my first Bench strip) and 891. What can I say, I like Titus Andronicus.) Again I used impressionist and canvas filters for the grass.

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