Carcassonne Tile Distribution
by Russ Williams (

Carcassonne is a wonderful new tile placement game designed by Klaus-Jurgen Wrede
and published by Hans-im-Gluck and Rio Grande Games.

To see my page showing how many of each type of tile click here.

Here are some additional statistics compiled by Robert Gatliff:

The 72 tiles and their 288 edges have the following distribution:

           #      %      #      %
  Edge  Edges  Edges  Tiles  Tiles
  ----  -----  -----  -----  -----
  Farm   115    40%     59    82%
  Road    94    33%     45    62%
  City    79    27%     44    61%

Clockwise around the tiles, adjacent edges have the following
distribution.  The list is sorted by occurrence of tiles.

                #      %
  Clockwise   Edge   Edge     #      %
  Edge-Edge  Pairs  Pairs  Tiles  Tiles
  ---------  -----  -----  -----  -----
  Farm-Road    38    13%     30     42%
  Road-Farm    38    13%     30     42%
  Road-Road    38    13%     28     39%
  Farm-Farm    46    16%     27     38%
  Farm-City    31    11%     25     35%
  City-Farm    31    11%     25     35%
  City-City    30    10%     20     28%
  Road-City    18     6%     18     25%
  City-Road    18     6%     18     25%