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2005-06-08 RussCon Report


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12 of us played 13 games! Welcome MichaelW, a young friend of Chad.

The late RussCon Reports continue as I spent every waking hour Thursday through Tuesday embroiled in the national Esperanto congress, which I was the guy in charge of. I have never organized anything like this before, but it seemed to go well. There were about 95 attendees, including some from Brazil, China, and Japan. I learned a lot, and had a very intense engrossing excellent time that was mostly split between hectic troubleshooting (so I only saw one presentation in its entirety) and good conversations. I am exhausted now, so have only written a brief report; probably more details will appear in a later report. The free classes saturday apparently did well; I heard the first one actually had 48 people in the room!

Game Results

Can'tStop3Clayton 2 Ben 0 Fred -2
Attika4JP 3 Matt -1 RussW -1 Jeffles -1
Boggle5William 4 KevinY 2 Ben 0 SarahM -2 MichaelW -4
Boggle3Ben 2 Fred 0 Clayton -2
RicochetRobot3Ben 2 KevinY 0 SarahM -2
Entdecker3RussW 2 Matt 0 Clayton -2
Settlers3Jeffles 2 JP 0 Chad -2
Bluff6Clayton 5 MichaelW 3 Matt 1 Chad -1 Jeffles -3 JP -5
Attika4Jeffles 3 William -1 SarahM -1 KevinY -1
Boggle3Chad 2 RussW 0 JP -2
Tichu2( Ben SarahM ) 1 ( William KevinY ) -1
Blokus4JP 3 RussW 1 Chad -1 MichaelW -3
ZirkusFlohcati3SarahM 2 William 0 KevinY -2

Good to play Attika again. It's a clever good game which was popular for several months, then suddenly dropped off our radar for some reason.

It should be noted that during the game of Entdecker, I actually lost 9 gold to pirates and 6 gold to the maximum cap of 12 which you can hold. I was thus especially surprised and pleased at my win.


Rank Ratings:       
 2.8904 Ben
 1.2809 Jeffles
 1.2164 RussW
 0.6931 Clayton
 0.6286 William
 0.0000 Matt
-0.1178 JP
-0.2877 SarahM
-0.6931 Chad
-1.0987 Fred
-1.3863 KevinY
-2.0794 MichaelW
Win Ratings:
 2.2618 Ben won 3 of 5
 2.0794 Clayton won 2 of 4
 2.0149 Jeffles won 2 of 4
 1.7793 JP won 2 of 5
 0.8755 SarahM won 2 of 5
 0.2231 William won 1 of 4
 0.2231 Chad won 1 of 4
 0.1178 RussW won 1 of 4
-0.6931 MichaelW won 0 of 3
-0.8110 Fred won 0 of 2
-0.8754 Matt won 0 of 3
-2.0152 KevinY won 0 of 5

Ben is the Devil! Jeffles and Clayton are Co-Vice-Devils.

If you are confused how the ratings work, you could peruse the FAQ.

I used GraphViz to generate the graph image.

devil graph

Meta Game

Jeffles was the Meta Devil and created the following Meta Game:

OK, I have an object in mind. - I've written in down on a piece of paper in my wallet.
A random person gets chosen every 15 minutes from the set of those who wish to participate and are present at russcon.
When chosen you ask a yes/no question, to which I will answer as accurately as I can with answers such as

Yes , No , Unknown, Irrelevant, Sometimes, Maybe, Probably, Doubtful, Usually, Depends, Rarely, Partly

Then, they get to make a guess as to the actual object. You must guess it exactly. If the world is "Cyclists" and you guess "Bicyclist" you did not get it.

In addition whenever a player finished a game and is recorded in the game log with a positive score, (zero is not positive) they may ask a question and then make a guess.
(Starting from top left player listed and then going right and then down for order)

In the case noone guesses it by the time I am ready to leave RussCon, I'll make whoever asked the "best" question meta-devil. Best determined by me, using whatever criteria I want.


And I'll start you off with one question/ answer which will not be repeated for any who did not read this email. If you ate it, would you get high?
Is it infinite repitition? No
Is it infinite repitition? No
Is it infinite repitition? No
Is it infinite repitition? Shut up

Matt was the first questioner and made a good guess ("Are you the red bear?") which surprisingly was not correct. After a few more rounds, Ben correctly guessed that Jeff was "Rock", and so Ben is the Meta Devil and will design (actually, already designed as I type this) next week's (which is to say, today's) Meta Game!

Evening's Soundtrack

Dolcxamar, Lingvo Intermonda
The Hours, Music from the Motion Picture
Kajto, Masko
Kore, Kia Viv'
La 89a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Pekino, Ĉinio (La Ĉina Muziko)

Muziko por Esperanto-kongreso

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