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2004-07-21 SansRussCon Report


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18 of us played 14 games! One new player, ChuckS. I believe he came with ToddG and EricE.

MarkH brough the new game, St. Petersburg, which was fun. He should bring it back.

There were a few problems with game records in The Book:

The annual US Go Congress (the greatest week of the year!) is the week after next (Jul 31 - Aug 8). Both Russ and I will be there. It's the last week of Russ's 5 week vacation. I will not be writing the SansRussCon report for that week. I probably won't write the one for the week before either, since I'll be busy getting ready to leave for the Go Congress. After that, Russ will be reinstated as RussCon Report writer.

Game Results

ArkOfTheCovenant3Whendy 2 Clayton 0 Fina -2
Tichu2( Marty Tim ) 1 ( KevinU Ben ) -1
StPetersburg4JP 3 MarkH 1 Matt -1 JimG -3
Settlers4Harry 3 Fina 0 EricE 0 Clayton -3
Trendy4MarkH 3 Matt 1 JP -1 JimG -3
Hare&Tortoise5EricE 4 ToddG 2 ChuckS 0 William -2 TimG -4
Can'tStop4William 3 Ben 1 ToddG -1 ChuckS -3
6Nimmt6KevinU 5 TimG 3 Tim 1 Whendy -2 RussD -2 Marty -5
Labyrinth4JP 3 Matt 0 JimG 0 Fina -3
RicochetRobot5ToddG 4 Ben 2 EricE -1 Tim -1 KevinU -4
ZirkusFlohcati4William 3 Clayton 1 Marty -1 JP -3
EinfachGenial4Marty 3 William 1 RussD -1 TimG -3
Frank'sZoo6Ben 5 Marty 3 JP 1 TimG -1 Clayton -3 William -5
PuertoRico5ChuckS 4 ToddG 1 KevinU 1 Matt -2 EricE -4


Rank Ratings:
 2.1972 Ben
 2.1848 ToddG
 1.7918 MarkH
 1.3863 Harry
 1.2685 JP
 0.7985 Marty
 0.6931 Tim
 0.6931 William
 0.5878 Whendy
 0.2231 ChuckS
-0.2231 KevinU
-0.2877 EricE
-0.6931 Matt
-0.9163 RussD
-1.8971 Clayton
-2.3666 TimG
-2.4853 Fina
-2.7726 JimG
Win Ratings:
 2.0794 William won 2 of 5
 2.0149 JP won 2 of 5
 1.4271 Marty won 2 of 5
 1.3863 Harry won 1 of 1
 1.0986 ChuckS won 1 of 3
 1.0986 MarkH won 1 of 2
 0.9163 Whendy won 1 of 2
 0.8755 EricE won 1 of 4
 0.8755 ToddG won 1 of 4
 0.6523 KevinU won 1 of 4
 0.5878 Ben won 1 of 4
 0.2877 Tim won 1 of 3
-0.4700 RussD won 0 of 2
-0.8630 JimG won 0 of 3
-0.8754 TimG won 0 of 4
-0.9808 Fina won 0 of 3
-1.0862 Matt won 0 of 4
-1.1632 Clayton won 0 of 4

The rank graph was amazingly convoluted this time.
There are SIX Co-Devils: Harry, JP, MarkH, William, Ben, and ToddG!

If you are confused how the ratings work, just think of it as MAGIC.

I used GraphViz to generate the graph image.

devil graph

Meta Game -- Corrupting the Angels....

William was the Meta Devil and emailed out the following Meta Game:

He that serves God for money will serve the Devil for better wages.

---- Sir Roger L'Estrange


As most of you know, the person who does the best overall on any RussCon night is considered the Devil. And the person who does the worst that night is called the Generous Angel.

The MetaGame tomorrow night will entail the minor corruption of the various Angels as the night progresses.

At 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm, and midnight there will be an offering. The player who is in last place in each game will be given a US dollar (by me, the moderator).

To claim the dollar, the losing person must state, "The love of money is the root of all evil."


Conditions and fine print:

* Only games that have four or more players count for the MetaGame.

* The game must have been in progress for at least ten minutes to count for the MetaGame.

* If it is not possible to determine who is in last place at the hourly mark, then no one in that game will get a dollar.

* If two or more players are tied for last place, then no one in that game will get a dollar (so team or partnership games will not be eligible).

* If the last place player chooses not to participate in the MetaGame, the dollar is not rewarded.

* A game that lasts until the next hourly mark is still eligible for the MetaGame.

* Only players physically present are eligible to play.

* I, your moderator, will be playing.

* The moderator's rulings are final.


The point is, you can't be too greedy.

---- Donald Trump

You have to decide whether you want to make money or make sense, because the two are mutually exclusive.

---- R. Buckminster Fuller

There are a handful of people whom money won't spoil, and we all count ourselves among them.

---- Mignon McLaughlin

Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil. The sum of blessings.

---- Carl Sandburg

The following people earned dollars and meta-lotto tickets:

ChuckS X 2

William says that Marty won the MetaLottery, so Marty will design next week's metagame.

Evening's Soundtrack

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young -- Déjà vu
Elton John -- Madman Across the Water
George Harrison -- All Things Must Pass
Jethro Tull -- Heavy Horses
Traffic -- John Barleycorn Must Die

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young -- Déjà vu Elton John -- Madman Across the Water George Harrison -- All Things Must Pass Jethro Tull -- Heavy Horses Traffic -- John Barleycorn Must Die

The continuing Clayton meta-music-theme-arc-saga-thurk.

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