July 29 RussCon Report

12 of us came, not to bury RussD but to game with him, or something like that.

RussD & Ken shared a joint victory and consumed more of Wendy's beer in Cosmic Encounter, RussD's first game of choice as Honorary Devil. That reminds me of the first game I ever played with Ken (god, about 5 years ago), which was a game of Cosmic in which he & I shared a joint victory.

Four of us tried out the new RoboRally Radioactive boards, which proved enjoyable. We set up a 6 flag rally instead of our usual 4 flags, so it took a little longer. Many loud strange noises were made. JP won.

JonathanC & Dawn brought the new WOTC card game called Guillotine, which was quite clever and fun. Each player is an executioner during the French Revolution, trying to collect the most prestigious heads like Marie Antoinette while avoiding beheading Martyrs and the Hero of the People! A fun combination of clever cards and action, luck, and short-term tactics. Dawn won 2 games, RussW won 1, JonathanC won 1.

RussD & Ken each won a game of the increasingly popular old family game Survive! Each player is trying to get his people off a dissolving island to the mainland, avoiding sharks, whales and sea monsters. Try it; it's really a clever game!

Jay won his first game of Loewenherz against grizzled veterans JeffF & JP.

Finally, we closed the evening with a game of Settlers, a worthy game to say farewell to RussD. This was a very close game, too. RussW won, with a 3-way tie for 2nd among RussD, William, and Brady, each of whom had 9 victory points when RussW won!

So RussD, Ken, RussW & Dawn each had 2 wins; JP, Jay & JonathanC each had 1 win.


Evening's soundtrack:

David Bowie, Young Americans
Delerium, Semantic Spaces
Henry Purcell, Dido and Aeneas
Smoking Popes, Born to Quit
Timbuk3, A Hundred Lovers


Rank ratings:
 0.7273 Ken (3 games played)
 0.6000 Jay (2)
 0.3333 RussW (5)
 0.2667 Dawn (5)
 0.2222 Tim (2)
 0.2143 RussD (4)
-0.1111 Brady (3)
-0.2727 JeffF (3)
-0.3333 JP (3)
-0.5556 William (3)
-0.6000 JonathanC (5)
-1.0000 Clayton (1)

Win ratings:
 0.7000 Ken (3)
 0.4783 RussD (4)
 0.4545 Jay (2)
 0.2143 RussW (5)
 0.1892 Dawn (5)
 0.1688 JP (3)
-0.2857 JonathanC (5)
-1.0000 Tim (2)
-1.0000 Brady (3)
-1.0000 JeffF (3)
-1.0000 William (3)
-1.0000 Clayton (1)

This gives the non-planar graph:

         / |
        / Jay
       /   |
      /  RussW
  RussD    |
    | \  Dawn
    |  \/  |
    |  /\ Tim
   J.P.  \ |
    | \  Brady
    |  \   |
  JonC  \JeffF
     \   \ |
      \ William
       \   |

Ken is the Devil! He may invoke his Dining Table Rights on Wednesday August 12, since there is no RussCon on August 5. Jay is Vice-Devil. Clayton pulled off the rare and dangerous Reverse Brady Maneuver.


It's looking like we'll be doing Fight AIs in MS Visual C++, using Win32 DLL technology. If this is a problem for anyone who wishes to participate, let us know. The Fight planning & discussion will be on hiatus for a week, however, as RussW, JP, JimC, and Kevin (4 prospective Fighters) are all going to the Go Congress in Santa Fe. Fellow Fighter JonathanB will hold down the fort. Expect more details after we get back.


Good luck to RussD in Dallas! Keep in touch and let us know your new email address.

See everyone else Wednesday August 12!


P.S. THERE IS NO RUSSCON AUGUST 5! Contact Marty (xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx) if you want to try gaming at Dobie Mall or some other place.

P.P.S. Don't come to my house on Wednesday August 5 or you will feel foolish and humiliated.