Here are the ratings for the 70 players who played 646 recorded games in 2003 at RussCon:
Rank Ratings: 54.1108 RussW 27.9093 MarkG 23.0857 Steve 18.1454 JP 14.1393 Allen 13.2639 MarkH 10.3859 MarkY 10.1219 BradS 9.1819 Tim 8.1242 JeffF 7.1921 JimG 4.2949 Marty 4.2347 Ben 4.1758 PJ 3.9766 JonathanC 3.4012 Jeremy 3.2426 Alfred 2.8371 Harry 2.7726 Daniel 2.4736 Pauline 2.3026 Doug 2.0794 JamesK 1.7918 Dudley 1.6219 Robby 1.3863 DaveB 1.3863 MattL 1.2685 Kiet 1.1962 William 1.0341 Matt 0.6931 Drew 0.6931 Kate 0.0000 ChrisH 0.0000 Helen 0.0000 Martha 0.0000 Meng -0.1054 Clay -0.1823 Anderson -0.1823 Jerrie -0.4700 Chad -0.5108 SteveB -0.9163 Carly -1.0986 SarahM -1.0986 GW -1.0986 JasonB -1.2809 Howard -1.3863 Michelle -1.3863 Paula -1.5041 Sarah -1.6094 Sam -2.0149 Baron -2.0794 BD -2.3026 Norberto -2.4849 JeffJ -2.4849 JohnG -3.4012 MattsFriendMatt -3.4012 RichardH -3.6243 BobR -3.9890 Katy -4.3175 Binkley -4.4998 Deborah -6.3969 Zack -8.8818 TimG -9.1932 Crash -10.1989 Justin -11.5207 RussD -13.4225 Whendy -18.4273 Dan -19.7265 Fred -24.9354 Fina -57.2755 Clayton |
Win Ratings: 52.2310 RussW won 86 of 260 36.2542 JP won 61 of 191 24.3345 MarkG won 49 of 137 22.0875 Steve won 29 of 71 21.2087 Ben won 59 of 149 15.4167 MarkY won 38 of 114 14.0748 Allen won 11 of 16 13.6658 BradS won 19 of 44 13.6123 Matt won 29 of 110 13.4311 MarkH won 46 of 133 13.2084 JimG won 28 of 85 11.0791 Tim won 14 of 33 10.4072 William won 36 of 127 7.7435 JeffF won 10 of 26 7.1262 JonathanC won 8 of 23 5.6878 Carly won 7 of 24 5.6754 Pauline won 8 of 22 5.4252 PJ won 11 of 28 4.5643 Jeremy won 5 of 7 3.4553 Marty won 14 of 56 2.7726 Daniel won 2 of 2 2.6264 Alfred won 3 of 10 2.0794 JamesK won 3 of 3 1.8971 Doug won 2 of 3 1.8927 Harry won 4 of 13 1.3218 Robby won 5 of 13 0.8755 MattL won 1 of 2 0.8755 SteveB won 1 of 2 0.8109 Drew won 1 of 2 0.7577 DaveB won 1 of 4 0.6931 SarahM won 2 of 6 0.5232 Dudley won 2 of 7 0.3771 Zack won 5 of 18 0.3001 RichardH won 1 of 5 0.1178 Helen won 1 of 3 0.0645 Kiet won 1 of 5 -0.2231 Kate won 0 of 1 -0.2231 Sam won 0 of 1 -0.2877 Michelle won 0 of 1 -0.3001 MattsFriendMatt won 1 of 6 -0.4055 JasonB won 0 of 1 -0.4055 Meng won 0 of 1 -0.4418 Clay won 0 of 2 -0.4463 Paula won 0 of 2 -0.5108 GW won 0 of 2 -0.5754 ChrisH won 0 of 2 -0.5754 Martha won 0 of 2 -0.5878 Jerrie won 0 of 2 -0.6931 Sarah won 0 of 2 -0.7340 Norberto won 0 of 3 -0.7577 BD won 0 of 3 -0.7737 RussD won 18 of 79 -0.9163 Baron won 0 of 2 -0.9808 Anderson won 1 of 6 -0.9933 Howard won 0 of 3 -1.0986 JeffJ won 0 of 3 -1.2685 JohnG won 0 of 3 -1.3218 Chad won 1 of 9 -1.6616 BobR won 4 of 24 -1.8326 Binkley won 0 of 7 -1.9617 Deborah won 0 of 6 -1.9741 Katy won 1 of 9 -2.4521 Whendy won 19 of 88 -2.7866 Fina won 15 of 77 -3.0194 Justin won 8 of 45 -3.1783 TimG won 2 of 21 -5.1850 Crash won 3 of 25 -5.7526 Fred won 12 of 59 -6.8137 Dan won 14 of 72 -6.9966 Clayton won 27 of 161 |
(If you are confused how the ratings work, you could peruse the FAQ. I used GraphViz to generate the graph image.)
Here are the number of times each game was played (sorted alphabetically in first column and by rank in second column).
42 1 6Nimmt 1 Acquire 10 AgeOfSteam 2 Alhambra 9 Amun-Re 8 AufHellerUndPfennig 1 Babel 3 BalloonCup 11 Barbu 5 BattleCry 1 BigCity 2 Blokus 45 Bluff 31 Brawl 3 BurnRate 2 Caesar&Cleopatra 2 Can'tStop 15 Carcassonne 37 CarcassonneCastle 5 CarcassonneHunters 13 CarcassonneTraders 5 Cartagena 7 Cathedral 11 Chrononauts 2 CircusMaximus 1 Citadels 2 Clans 7 Cloud9 4 Clue 1 ClueTheCardGame 2 Condottiere 1 Cosmic 4 CosmicCoasters 1 DasAmulett 10 David&Goliath 2 DenOfThieves 2 DetroitClevelandGrandPrix 1 DieHanse 1 DieSiebenSiegel 1 Don 1 Drakon 2 DurchDieWueste 3 Earthquake 1 Eleusis 1 Entdecker 4 Euphrates 3 Evo 1 Exxtra 41 Fight 3 Frank'sZoo 2 FreshFish2 1 GalacticTakeover 2 GhostParty 3 GiveMeTheBrain 1 Go 1 GreatKhanGame 1 GreatMuseumCaper 1 Guillotine 19 Hare&Tortoise 2 HedgehogsInAHurry 3 HighBid 1 HighBohn 1 HighSociety 3 Hive 6 Hoax 1 HookOrCrook 1 Istanbul 1 Kahuna 4 King'sGate 1 LOTRTheTwoTowers 1 LaCitta 1 Lifeboat 1 LostCities 1 Manhattan 2 Medici 1 Metro 1 Montgolfiere 3 Mu 2 MysteryOfTheAbbey 1 MysticWar 1 NewEngland 3 Odin'sRavens 1 Othello 2 ParisParis 1 Phantan 1 PuertoRico 25 QuoVadis 1 Ra 2 Rainbows 2 Raj 1 Rheinlaender 1 RoboRally 1 Rome 2 Rumis 5 Rummikub 5 Samarkand 1 Scrabble 1 ScreamMachine 1 Settlers 15 SettlersStoneAge 2 StephensonsRocket 1 Streetcar 2 Survive 2 TajMahal 4 TallyHo 3 Tichu 59 Tightrope 5 TitanArena 2 Titicaca 1 TooManyCooks 9 TradersOfGenoa 1 Transamerica 17 Traumfabrik 1 Trendy 1 Twixt 1 Ubi 2 UndTschuess 2 UnionPacific 6 Vampire 14 Vinci 1 WebOfPower 10 WhatsThatOnMyHead 2 WitchTrial 1 Wizard 1 WyattEarp 1 Zero 6 ZirkusFlohcati 16 |
128 1 42 127 1 6Nimmt 126 1 AufHellerUndPfennig 125 1 BattleCry 124 1 CircusMaximus 123 1 Clue 122 1 Condottiere 121 1 CosmicCoasters 120 1 DetroitClevelandGrandPrix 119 1 DieHanse 118 1 DieSiebenSiegel 117 1 Don 116 1 Earthquake 115 1 Eleusis 114 1 Evo 113 1 FreshFish2 112 1 GiveMeTheBrain 111 1 Go 110 1 GreatKhanGame 109 1 GreatMuseumCaper 108 1 HighBid 107 1 HighBohn 106 1 Hoax 105 1 HookOrCrook 104 1 Istanbul 103 1 King'sGate 102 1 LOTRTheTwoTowers 101 1 LaCitta 100 1 Lifeboat 99 1 LostCities 98 1 Medici 97 1 Metro 96 1 MysteryOfTheAbbey 95 1 MysticWar 94 1 Odin'sRavens 93 1 ParisParis 92 1 Phantan 91 1 QuoVadis 90 1 Raj 89 1 Rheinlaender 88 1 RoboRally 87 1 Samarkand 86 1 Scrabble 85 1 ScreamMachine 84 1 StephensonsRocket 83 1 Titicaca 82 1 TradersOfGenoa 81 1 Traumfabrik 80 1 Trendy 79 1 Twixt 78 1 Vinci 77 1 WitchTrial 76 1 Wizard 75 1 WyattEarp 74 2 AgeOfSteam 73 2 BigCity 72 2 BurnRate 71 2 Caesar&Cleopatra 70 2 Chrononauts 69 2 Citadels 68 2 ClueTheCardGame 67 2 David&Goliath 66 2 DenOfThieves 65 2 Drakon 64 2 Frank'sZoo 63 2 GalacticTakeover 62 2 Hare&Tortoise 61 2 Manhattan 60 2 Mu 59 2 Othello 58 2 Ra 57 2 Rainbows 56 2 Rome 55 2 SettlersStoneAge 54 2 Streetcar 53 2 Survive 52 2 TitanArena 51 2 Ubi 50 2 UndTschuess 49 2 WhatsThatOnMyHead 48 3 Babel 47 3 Brawl 46 3 DurchDieWueste 45 3 Euphrates 44 3 Fight 43 3 GhostParty 42 3 HedgehogsInAHurry 41 3 HighSociety 40 3 Montgolfiere 39 3 NewEngland 38 3 TallyHo 37 4 Cloud9 36 4 Cosmic 35 4 Entdecker 34 4 Kahuna 33 4 TajMahal 32 5 Barbu 31 5 CarcassonneCastle 30 5 CarcassonneTraders 29 5 Rumis 28 5 Rummikub 27 5 Tightrope 26 6 Hive 25 6 UnionPacific 24 6 Zero 23 7 Cartagena 22 7 Clans 21 8 Amun-Re 20 9 Alhambra 19 9 TooManyCooks 18 10 Acquire 17 10 DasAmulett 16 10 WebOfPower 15 11 BalloonCup 14 11 Cathedral 13 13 CarcassonneHunters 12 14 Vampire 11 15 Can'tStop 10 15 Settlers 9 16 ZirkusFlohcati 8 17 Transamerica 7 19 Guillotine 6 25 PuertoRico 5 31 Bluff 4 37 Carcassonne 3 41 Exxtra 2 45 Blokus 1 59 Tichu |
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