1 (bagpipes) Schotten-Totten
2 (15 2 4) Master Labyrinth
3 (gigolo) Caesar & Cleopatra
4 (five) En Garde
5 (building) Babel
6 (minus 5) ...Und Tschüss!
7 (attack 8) Cosmic Encounter
8 (revolver) Clue
9 (big red hammer) Kill Dr. Lucky
10 (big red hammer art) XXXenophile
11 (badass warrior babe) Earthquake
12 (Lucy "Poodle Cut" Kerske) Princess Ryan's Star Marines
13 (clone) Illuminati New World Order
14 (freeze) Brawl
15 (pimp slap) Lunch Money
16 (dungeon)Knightmare Chess
17 (genital piercings) Gother Than Thou
18 (cryptic message) Chill: Black Morn Manor
19 (clowns) Zirkus Flohcati
20 (dog) Tichu
21 (cheeky little monkey) Ebola Monkey Hunt
22 (eagle) Manhattan
23 (elephant) Tales of the Arabian Nights
24 (elephants) Successors
25 (black pudding) Dungeon!
26 (England) Web of Power
27 (Liverpool) Lancashire Rails
28 (Germany/Italy) Trainsport Switzerland
29 (GERMANY/ITALY) Trainsport Austria
30 (hopper car) Iron Horse
31 (Royal Blue) Union Pacific
32 (faerie) Druiden Walzer
33 (clover) Rainbows
34 (fish meat) Lord of the Fries
35 (bumper harvest) Plague and Pestilence
36 (F'rothomir) Monsters Ravage America
37 (hand) Give Me the Brain
38 (industrie) Downtown
39 (a jester) The Great Dalmuti
40 (another jester) Rheinländer
41 (trump jester) Instinct
42 (knight) Settlers of Catan
43 (hero) Star Trader
44 (Krypto) Modern Art
45 (lighthouse) Groo
46 (Marilyn's lipstick) By Hook Or Crook
47 (Metal) Age of Renaissance
48 (Referee) Titan the Arena
49 (Sharp Shooter) Battle Cry
50 (Silberfund!) Löwenherz
51 (snow) Condottiere
52 (somewhere...) Vampire
53 (tasty fruit) Before I Kill You, Mr. Bond
54 (USS Maine) The Great Khan Game
55 (U-turn) RoboRally
56 (Walter's Wankery) Spammers
57 (Wrath of God!) Credo
58 (Bad Nun) Guillotine
59 (ZZ) Montgolfiere

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