I have allocated a total of 10 points as follows: 1830 -1000 2038 -1000 25WordsOrLess -1000 666 -1000 Abalone -1000 Acquire -1000 AddamsFamily -1000 AgeOfRenaissance -1000 AirBaron -1000 Airlines -1000 Aladdin'sDragons -1000 Alibi -1000 AmFuss -1000 AmoebaWars -1000 AnHofeDesKoenigs -1000 Andromeda -1000 ArabianNights -1000 ArkhamHorror -1000 AtlanticStorm -1000 Attacke -1000 Attila -1000 Auction -1000 AufHellerUndPfennig -1000 AusbrecherAG -1000 AustralianRails -1000 Automania -1000 BananaRepublic -1000 BattleCry -1000 BenHurt -1000 BigCheese -1000 BigCity -1000 BitinOffHedz -1000 BlackDiamond -1000 BlackMornManor -1000 BleedingSherwood -1000 Bluff -1000 Boggle -1000 Bohnanza -1000 Borderlands -1000 Brawl -1000 Britannia -1000 BritishRails -1000 BuddelBande -1000 BuriedTreasure -1000 Burp -1000 ButtonMen -1000 CafeInternational -1000 Calamity -1000 Can'tStop -1000 Candidate -1000 Canyon -1000 Carcassonne -1000 CarolusMagnus -1000 Cartagena -1000 Cathedral -1000 Cheops -1000 Chinatown -1000 ChineseCheckers -1000 Chrononauts -1000 Cloud9 -1000 Clue -1000 ColoradoRails -1000 Condottiere -1000 Cosmic -1000 Cribbage -1000 CultsAcrossAmerica -1000 Dampfross -1000 David&Goliath -1000 Deadwood -1000 Democrazy -1000 DevilBunny -1000 Digging -1000 Dilbert -1000 Doolittle&Waite -1000 Dorada -1000 Downtown -1000 DragonDelta -1000 DragonMaster -1000 Drunter&Drueber -1000 Dungeon -1000 DungeonDice -1000 DungeonQuest -1000 DurchDieWueste -1000 Earthquake -1000 EbolaMonkeyHunt -1000 Edison -1000 Egomania -1000 ElCaballero -1000 ElGrande -1000 Elchfest -1000 Elfengold -1000 Elfenland -1000 Elfenwizards -1000 Empire -1000 EnGarde -1000 EnemyInSight -1000 Entdecker -1000 Euphrates -1000 Europa -1000 EveryManForHimself -1000 Ex&Hopp -1000 ExecutiveDecision -1000 Exxtra -1000 FamilyBusiness -1000 Ferkelei -1000 FerroPampas -1000 Fight -1000 FilthyRich -1000 FlinkePinke -1000 Fluxx -1000 FootballStrategy -1000 ForSale -1000 ForThePeople -1000 FormulaDe -1000 FormulaMotorRacing -1000 Fossil -1000 Frank'sZoo -1000 FreightTrain -1000 FreshFish -1000 FunnyMoney -1000 Galaxy -1000 Gangsters -1000 GetOut -1000 GhostParty -1000 Giganten -1000 GiveMeTheBrain -1000 GoldConnection -1000 GoldenStrider -1000 Goldrausch -1000 GolfMania -1000 GotherThanThou -1000 GrandNationalDerby -1000 GreatBrainRobbery -1000 GreatDalmuti -1000 GreatKhanGame -1000 GreatMuseumCaper -1000 Groo -1000 GruselWusel -1000 Guerilla -1000 Guggenheim -1000 Guillotine -1000 Gunfight -1000 Halunken&Spelunken -1000 Hare&Tortoise -1000 HatTrick -1000 Hearts -1000 HedgehogsInAHurry -1000 HellRail -1000 HeroesOfAsfar -1000 Hexagony -1000 HighSociety -1000 Hoax -1000 HoneyBears -1000 HongKong -1000 HonorOfTheSamurai -1000 HookOrCrook -1000 Huzzah -1000 I'veCreatedAMonster -1000 Ico -1000 Ido -1000 Illuminati -1000 Instinct -1000 IronDragon -1000 IronHorse -1000 It'sMine -1000 JumboGrandPrix -1000 KKK -1000 Kahuna -1000 KatzenjammerBlues -1000 KillDrLucky -1000 KingOfTheElves -1000 Konzern -1000 Kremlin -1000 Landlord -1000 LastChance -1000 LastPanther -1000 Letras -1000 LetzteParadies -1000 Loewenherz -1000 LordOfTheFries -1000 LordOfTheRings -1000 LostCities -1000 LostPueblo -1000 LunatixLoop -1000 LunchMoney -1000 MammaMia -1000 Manhattan -1000 MasterLabyrinth -1000 MaterialWorld -1000 McMulti -1000 Medici -1000 MedievalMerchant -1000 MembersOnly -1000 MerchantsOfAmsterdam -1000 Metropolis -1000 MinionHunter -1000 MississippiQueen -1000 MitListUndTucke -1000 ModernArt -1000 MoleHill -1000 Money -1000 Monopoly -1000 MonstersRavageAmerica -1000 Montgolfiere -1000 MrBond -1000 Mu -1000 MysticWar -1000 NichtDieBohne -1000 Nile -1000 Ohio -1000 OhneFurchtUndAdel -1000 OrcsAtTheGates -1000 Othello -1000 Outpost -1000 Overthrone -1000 Palmyra -1000 PartsUnknown -1000 Pirat -1000 Pit -1000 Pits -1000 PlagueAndPestilence -1000 PonyExpress -1000 Priceless -1000 Prick -1000 Prisma -1000 Proconsul -1000 Putsch -1000 QuoVadis -1000 Ra -1000 Rainbows -1000 Raj -1000 ResPublica -1000 Restaurant -1000 Rheinlaender -1000 RicochetRobot -1000 RoboRally -1000 Rollout -1000 RottenFish -1000 SafariJack -1000 Samarkand -1000 Samurai -1000 SamuraiSwords -1000 SantaFe -1000 SaveDrLucky -1000 Schanzen -1000 SchnapchenJagd -1000 SchottenTotten -1000 ScotlandYard -1000 SecretLabyrinth -1000 Settlers 319010 SettlersAlexander -1000 SettlersCardGame -1000 Shanghai -1000 ShanghaiTrader -1000 Shark -1000 Siesta -1000 SkyRunner -1000 Snit'sRevenge -1000 Sokrates -1000 SpaceBeans -1000 Spammers -1000 Spartacus -1000 StarVenture -1000 StarbaseJeff -1000 StephensonsRocket -1000 Streetcar -1000 Successors -1000 Superstition -1000 Survive -1000 Syzygy -1000 TVWars -1000 TabulaRasa -1000 TajMahal -1000 TakeItEasy -1000 Tayu -1000 ThroneWorld -1000 Tightrope -1000 Tikal -1000 Titan -1000 TitanArena -1000 Torres -1000 TrainsportAustria -1000 TrainsportSwitzerland -1000 Transsib -1000 Tribunal -1000 Tripoley -1000 Trumpet -1000 TurboHearts -1000 Tutanchamun -1000 Twilight -1000 Twins -1000 Tycoon -1000 UmReifenbreite -1000 UncleHappy'sTrainGame -1000 UndTschuess -1000 UnionPacific -1000 Ursuppe -1000 ValleyOfKings -1000 Vampire -1000 Vegas -1000 VeldSpoorweg -1000 VeryCleverPipeGame -1000 Victory -1000 Vinci -1000 Vino -1000 WebOfPower -1000 Wettstreit -1000 WhatWereYouThinking -1000 WhatsThatOnMyHead -1000 WheelOfHistory -1000 WhichWitch -1000 Wimmuln -1000 WizWar -1000 Wizard -1000 WizardKings -1000 Wizards -1000 Zero -1000 ZirkusFlohcati -1000 ZumKuckuck -1000
So I had to then explicitly state that your vote weights could not be negative. But still his cheekiness continues with this second entry:
Thus was I forced to explicitly specify that your allocated points must be positive integers. We agreed to round these votes to the nearest integer...Acquire 0.01 BattleCry 0.01 Bluff 0.01 Boggle 0.01 Bohnanza 0.01 Carcassonne 0.01 CarolusMagnus 0.01 Euphrates 0.01 Frank'sZoo 0.01 Hare&Tortoise 0.01 HookOrCrook 0.01 Kremlin 0.01 LordOfTheRings 0.01 MerchantsOfAmsterdam 0.01 Mu 0.01 Outpost 0.01 ResPublica 0.01 Settlers 9.77 TajMahal 0.01 TrainsportAustria 0.01 TrainsportSwitzerland 0.02 WebOfPower 0.01 WhatsThatOnMyHead 0.01