March 8 2000 RussCon Report

14 of us.


Game Results:

Frank'sZoo 6 David 5 JP 3 William 1 RussW -1 Jay -3 Clayton -5
Ra 4 Marty 3 BobR 1 Alfred -1 Tim -3
Guillotine 4 JonathanC 3 William 1 Allen -1 Steve -3
Euphrates 4 Bob 3 RussW 1 JP -1 Marty -3
FormulaDe 6 David 5 Alfred 3 Jay 1 Tim -1 Clayton -3 BobR -5
Torres 4 Bob 3 Steve 1 William -1 JP -3
UnionPacific 4 JonathanC 3 Marty 1 Allen -1 RussW -3
FormulaMotorRacing 4 Allen 3 Marty 1 RussW -1 JonathanC -3
Candidate 5 Alfred 4 BobR 2 Tim 0 David -2 Clayton -4
ZirkusFlohcati 5 JonathanC 4 JP 2 RussW 0 Marty -2 Allen -4
ZirkusFlohcati 5 Allen 4 RussW 2 Marty 0 JP -2 JonathanC -4

It had been a while since I played Euphrates. Some might suggest I played suboptimally, but hey, at least I came in second, even as I gave Bob more black victory points than anyone could ever dream of.

Formula Motor Racing is a cute car race game where the 12 plastic cars are arranged in a line, then cards are played to shift their order analogous to playing action cards in Guillotine! It's got a lot of luck & chaos, but it was kind of good silly fun.

I confirmed by example yet again that declaring gala is no guarantee of victory in Zirkus Flohcati...


Evening's Soundtrack:

Despair's Book of Dreams and the Sometimes Radio, music from the play
Radio Werewolf, Songs for the End of the World
Radiohead, Pablo Honey
Ren & Stimpy, Radio Daze
Roger Waters, Radio KAOS

Radio gaga.


Rank ratings:
 1.0000 Bob (2 games played)
 0.5714 David (3)
 0.5000 Alfred (3)
 0.1765 JonathanC (5)
 0.0909 William (3)
 0.0588 Allen (5)
 0.0000 Marty (6)
-0.0526 JP (5)
-0.0909 RussW (6)
-0.1667 BobR (3)
-0.2000 Jay (2)
-0.3333 Tim (3)
-0.3333 Steve (2)
-0.8571 Clayton (3)

New Win ratings:
 1.0000 Bob (2)
 0.6429 David (3)
 0.4706 JonathanC (5)
 0.2353 Allen (5)
 0.1667 Alfred (3)
-0.1000 Marty (6)
-0.2000 Jay (2)
-0.2143 Clayton (3)
-0.2500 BobR (3)
-0.2500 Tim (3)
-0.2632 JP (5)
-0.2727 William (3)
-0.2727 RussW (6)
-0.3333 Steve (2)

Bob is the Devil! David is Vice-Devil. Sea Biscuit is Vice-Vice-Devil, then Alfred. Marty & I share the Dedicated Award.


William Seeks Shelter:

William writes:
I'm going to be looking for a new place after my lease terminates at the end of May. Would like to cut costs and find a roommate(s) to share a house or apartment. No smoking and no fur bearing pets. I'm primarilary vegetarian but carnivores don't freak me out. Relatively quiet and sometimes keep late hours. I know it's early, but planning ahead.

If interested or if you know of someone who might be interested, please send me a note at or call/page me at xxx-xxxx. Thanks.

RussCon Management writes:
Please help this rascally yet loveable street urchin find a home. We can't have him loitering around the RussCon premises, hopped-up on goof balls and frightening off the customers.



Vintage pulp scifi magazine covers with commentary:

Nice Flash animation, in a Southpark Beavis and Butt-head kind of tradition:
Yo, click on each founding father to hear them rap.

Meta ironic deconstructionist postmodern community cartooning about a guy and a squirrel on a bench:
I have some strips posted at The Bench. If you don't want to plow through all the hundreds of Bench strips in sequence (or you have a slow connection), go to my art page to get direct links to mine:
If you like, check back since I have more Bench strips in the works. If anyone else does any strips, let me know which numbers! We should get a RussCon presence at The Bench.

See wonderful ironic retro art at the Institute of Official Cheer:


I hate you, squirrel.
