December 15 1999 RussCon Report

16 of us. The "other Jonathan" (R) returned after a long hiatus, bringing his 2 player game Hong Kong. The "other Kevin" (T) showed up after a very long absence as well.


Game Results:

GhostParty 6 KevinH 5 Bob 3 Clayton 1 Tim -1 RussW -3 Jerrie -5
Exxtra 3 KevinH 2 JonathanC 0 Bob -2
HongKong 2 Allen 1 JonathanR -1
McMulti 3 KevinH 2 Marty 0 Steve -2
Euphrates 4 JP 3 JonathanC 1 Bob -1 Fred -3
HongKong 2 Bob 1 Marty -1
HongKong 2 Bob 1 Marty -1
LostCities 2 Allen 1 JonathanR -1
Mu 5 JP 4 KevinH 2 Steve 0 Allen -2 JonathanR -4
DurchDieWueste 4 JonathanC 3 Bob 1 Fred -1 Marty -3
RoboRally 7 Tim 6 Clayton 4 RussW 2 JeffS 0 William -2 KevinT -4 Jerrie -6
Bluff 6 JP 5 Steve 3 William 1 Tim -1 JonathanR -3 Bob -5

We warmed up with a quick game of Ghost Party, which KevinH won (damn beginner's luck!).

Then came the main event, a great RoboRally game, though it was long as usual. We did 3 boards in a row, a simple "there and back" race, with Chasm in the middle. Many exciting moments. Jeff camped out at the finish flag, hoping to kill all competitors instead of running the race himself. At one point 3 different competitors for 1st place were all one square from the flag, with Jeff there loaded up with options. Tim & Clayton made it to the flag. Jeff managed to kill William in the phase William ended on the flag (thus depriving William of actually tagging the flag at the end of the phase). Ultimately I managed to send The Big One (64 points of damage) on a conveyor belt toward Jeff and he moved right onto it! Thus I managed to wrest 3rd place from the evil robo-camper.


Evening's Soundtrack:

Bobby Horton, Homespun Songs of the C.S.A.
Eve's Plum, Envy
Geraldine Fibbers, Lost Somewhere Between the Earth and My Home
Jeremy Enigk, Return of the Frog Queen
The Sweet Hereafter (soundtrack)

Music from tumultuous transitional times in my life.


Rank ratings:
 1.0000 JP (3 games played)
 0.8462 KevinH (4)
 0.5000 JonathanC (3)
 0.4545 Clayton (2)
 0.2500 Tim (3)
 0.0909 Steve (3)
 0.0000 Allen (3)
 0.0000 JeffS (1)
-0.0909 RussW (2)
-0.0909 William (2)
-0.1000 Bob (7)
-0.6667 KevinT (1)
-0.6667 Fred (2)
-0.7143 Marty (4)
-0.8182 JonathanR (4)
-1.0000 Jerrie (2)

New Win ratings:
 1.0000 JP (3)
 0.6154 KevinH (4)
 0.2500 Tim (3)
 0.1667 Allen (3)
 0.1250 JonathanC (3)
-0.1500 Bob (7)
-0.1667 JeffS (1)
-0.1667 KevinT (1)
-0.1818 Clayton (2)
-0.1818 RussW (2)
-0.1818 William (2)
-0.1818 Jerrie (2)
-0.2727 Steve (3)
-0.3333 Fred (2)
-0.3636 JonathanR (4)
-0.5714 Marty (4)

JP is indisputably the Devil. KevinH is Vice-Devil. Sea Biscuit and Tim are Co-Vice-Vice-Devils.

There is indeed RussCon next week, so the Devil may assert his dining table rights. Ho ho ho. If you are going away for the holidays, I hope you have an enjoyable time.


There's no simple explanation
for anything important any of us do
and yeah the human tragedy
consists in the necessity
of living with the consequences
under pressure, under pressure
