July 15 was an average turnout, 12 of us. We played 9 games.

RussD won Loewenherz.
James won Medici.
Clayton won a long game of RoboRally, even after being the first-ever RussCon victim of The Big One, courtesy of JP! (The Big One does 64 points of damage at ground zero.)
RussW actually won 2 games of Fight, unusual for me...
Kelly won Survive!
James won Mystic War.
James won 2 games of Titan the Arena. (The 2nd game had a 3-way tie for 3rd!)

So James won 4 games. RussW won 2. RussD, Clayton & Kelly each won 1.


The evening's soundtrack included:
Mercury Rev "Boces"
Skunk Anansie "Paranoid and Sunburnt"
Traffic "John Barleycorn Must Die"
Chris Whitley "Living with the Law"
"Nordic Roots", a Scandinavian sampler anthology.


This RussCon Report is the first one sent using the newly partitioned To & Bcc lists. Hopefully I always remember to include both lists in the mailings... So far 3 folks requested to be moved to Bcc and 8 folks asked to stay with To.

There was also one request to "Put me on either list. Whichever one you feel needs balancing." Now there's an inspiring and accomodating attitude from which we could all learn a life lesson. Or maybe he's just an indecisive wimp.

I'll leave people on To unless they request to be on Bcc. I trust this new system will enable all customers to optimize their RussCon experience to achieve complete RussCon satisfaction. Please inform an usher if there are problems with your To or Bcc status.


Rank ratings:
 1.0000 Clayton (1 game played)
 0.8235 James (5)
 0.2632 RussW (5)
 0.2222 RussD (3)
 0.1429 Kelly (2)
 0.1111 JonathanC (5)
-0.1579 JeffF (5)
-0.2727 Jay (3)
-0.4545 Tim (3)
-0.5333 JP (4)
-0.7000 Marty (3)
-1.0000 Brady (1)

Win ratings:
 1.0000 Clayton (1)
 0.8492 James (5)
 0.5789 Kelly (2)
 0.4516 RussW (5)
 0.1688 RussD (3)
-1.0000 JonathanC (5)
-1.0000 JeffF (5)
-1.0000 Jay (3)
-1.0000 Tim (3)
-1.0000 JP (4)
-1.0000 Marty (3)
-1.0000 Brady (1)

This gives a pretty straightforward partial ordering:

       / \
    RussW \
      |   Kelly
    RussD /
       \ /

Note that Clayton WOULD have been the Devil, except he only played 1 game! Thus the Brady Maneuver Rule is invoked; Clayton is disqualified from Devilhood. (You must play more than 1 game to be eligible as Devil of the Week.)

James (who won 4 of 5 games, most impressive) is thus the Devil again by the ratings.

However, by Imperial Decree, RussD takes priority for the next two weeks. (All these exceptions are starting to sound like a collectible card game!)

Special award for Brady this week, who ironically performed the dangerous Reverse Brady Maneuver.

And remember, there will be Sunday gaming at my place (July 19 at 1:00 pm) in honor of RussD's years of tireless and selfless gaming service. Bring your favorite big long game, or come hang out a while, play the usual shorter games, and read the dangerously addictive Knights of the Dinner Table comics. For those unable to attend, RussD might make a repeat appearance the following Sunday, but we don't know yet. Stay tuned.
