April 29 RussCon report:

14 of us showed up. 11 games were played, including several new ones.



Alfred won By Hook or Crook (the Avalon Hill version of a German boardgame Adel Verpflichtet). He also won Fight! And we dusted off Loewenherz, which Alfred also won.

JonathanB won Euphrates and Air Baron.

Jay won DragonMaster (which Brady has been wanting to play forever!)

Marty won Euphrates and Medici.

Doug also won a game of the continually popular Euphrates.

James won Acquire (which we'd not played since December, before the group met at my place).

JP won The Very Clever Pipe Game, securing his reputation as a master of Cheapass Games. The Very Clever Pipe Game looked interesting to me, although they were playing Version 3, which is apparently harder to pick up without having played Version 1 or 2 first.



There was a Sunday Little RussCon (so to speak) this week as well, at which we played ThroneWorld. Marty won that. Clayton won Air Baron. Bob won two games of the increasingly popular Euphrates.

For fun, I ran statistics for the Sunday games. The number in parentheses is the number of games played by that player.

Rank ratings:
 1.0000 Bob (2)
 0.5556 Jay (2)
 0.5556 Marty (2)
 0.3333 Clayton (3)
-0.4444 JP (2)
-0.5000 RussD (2)
-0.5556 RussW (2)
-0.6667 Ken (2)

Win ratings:
 1.0000 Bob (2)
 0.6552 Marty (2)
 0.1111 Clayton (3)
-1.0000 JP (2)
-1.0000 Jay (2)
-1.0000 Ken (2)
-1.0000 RussD (2)
-1.0000 RussW (2)

This leads to a nice simple partial order:

    Bob 7
   /     \
  /     Marty 4
Jay 3     |
  \      Clayton 2
   \    /
   JP -1
   RussD -3
   RussW -5
   Ken -7

The numbers represent (# opponents you're > than) - (# opponents > you). Thus we conclude Bob was clearly the Sunday Devil, with Marty in second place, Jay in third. Congrats Bob -- too bad there are no lavish awards for a Sunday Devil.



Rank ratings:
 1.0000 JonathanB (2)
 0.6364 JP (3)
 0.4737 Alfred (5)
 0.2500 Jay (2)
 0.0769 Dawn (3)
 0.0769 Marty (4)
 0.0667 RussW (4)
 0.0588 Doug (5)
 0.0000 James (3)
-0.2500 RussD (2)
-0.3333 Brady (3)
-0.4286 Tim (4)
-0.4667 JonathanC (4)
-0.5238 William (6)

Win ratings:
 1.0000 JonathanB (2)
 0.6988 Alfred (5)
 0.6364 Jay (2)
 0.5000 Marty (4)
 0.3151 James (3)
 0.2857 JP (3)
-0.1089 Doug (5)
-1.0000 Dawn (3)
-1.0000 RussW (4)
-1.0000 RussD (2)
-1.0000 Brady (3)
-1.0000 Tim (4)
-1.0000 JonathanC (4)
-1.0000 William (6)

Our Most Assiduous Reader will recall last week I predicted that one day I'd have a partial order too complex and nonplanar to represent with my primitive yet charming ASCII art. Well, that's what happened this week. It's a very messy partial order! I've attached a GIF file with a graphic representation of the partial order. Here are the resulting scores:

JonathanB 13
Alfred 10
Jay 8
JP 6
Marty 5
Dawn 2
Doug 1
James 1
RussW -1
RussD -5
Brady -7
Tim -9
JonathanC -11
William -13

Of course, you don't need to see the partial order or scores to see that JonathanB unequivocally kicked butt, winning both games he played! So JonathanB is the Devil and gets to stake out the dining table with the games of his choice at the next RussCon. William is the Angel of the Week. Special Honesty Award to Brady for tossing $1000 into the bank during Acquire as he thought he might have shortchanged the bank in an earlier transaction -- fortunately the $1000 wouldn't have changed the final standings.

And remember -- the next RussCon is Wednesday May 13! There is no RussCon on May 6.

See you May 13!
