So this past Wednesday we continued the Titan game. James knocked out JP, decimating James's Titan stack in the process. Marty squashed James then sent his Titan stack versus my Titan stack. I did my best for mutual elimination, but in the end Marty was victorious.

Meanwhile, Ken, Rick, Doug and Brady played El Grande, the latest German import which Marty had just picked up. Brady won that. Titan refugees JP and James joined in for a second El Grande session, which Doug won.

I have no idea how the rules of El Grande work, but I can say it has beautiful components and looks very cool. It's set in Spain sometime in the Middle Ages, I think. I saw something on the net about a Spanish Inquisition supplement. (Seriously.)

I can also say that Marty & I found it most amusing to hear people continually mispronouncing "caballero" as "CAL-a-BEAR-oh". :-)

Anyway, Marty & I want to play El Grande, and plan to meet at my place 1pm Sunday to do so. Anyone else is welcome. The game only supports up to 5 players, so if more than 5 of us are here, we'll pretend it's Wednesday night and do the usual 2 games in parallel.

And speaking of Wednesday night, see you at 7pm this Wednesday as usual! We WON'T play Titan, I promise!

No updated devil ratings this week, sorry -- I have a sore throat and cough and am feeling too low energy to deal with it. I will note for the record that Marty got his first RussCon win, so his RussCon win rating will no longer be -1.


PS In case any of you are interested, I'm going to the Ambrose Bierce Civil War stories performance Friday night and the surreal Japanese Butoh performance Saturday night. Open seating, but I'd recommend calling for a reservation. See Chronicle for details; both get good writeups.